View Source ecrn_control (erlcron v1.2.1)

Provides testing/fast forward control for the system

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Returns current datetime with reference adjustment in universal time zone.
Returns current datetime with reference adjustment in universal/local time zone.
sets the date-time with the erlcron on all nodes
Returns reference datetime in universal time zone.
Returns reference datetime in universal or local time zone.
Reset reference datetime to current epoch datetime
sets the date-time for the erlcron

Link to this section Functions

-spec cancel(erlcron:job_ref()) -> boolean().
-spec datetime() -> {calendar:datetime(), erlcron:milliseconds()}.
Returns current datetime with reference adjustment in universal time zone.
-spec datetime(local | universal) -> {calendar:datetime(), erlcron:milliseconds()}.
Returns current datetime with reference adjustment in universal/local time zone.
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multi_set_datetime(Nodes, DateTime)

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-spec multi_set_datetime([node()], calendar:datetime()) -> {Replies, BadNodes}
                      when Replies :: [{node(), ok | {error, term()}}], BadNodes :: [node()].
sets the date-time with the erlcron on all nodes
-spec ref_datetime() -> {calendar:datetime(), erlcron:milliseconds()}.
Returns reference datetime in universal time zone.
-spec ref_datetime(local | universal) -> {calendar:datetime(), erlcron:milliseconds()}.
Returns reference datetime in universal or local time zone.
-spec reset_datetime() -> ok | {error, term()}.
Reset reference datetime to current epoch datetime
-spec set_datetime(calendar:datetime()) -> ok | {error, term()}.
sets the date-time for the erlcron
-spec set_datetime(calendar:datetime(), local | universal) -> ok | {error, term()}.
-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, Error :: term()}.