View Source ecrn_reg (erlcron v1.2.1)

This provides simple pid registration for the server.

Link to this section Summary


Cancel all jobs assigned to the given key
Get a pid by reference key.
Get all the values.
Get all registered Pids.
Get all registered job references.
Get job refs associated with the pid
Register an arbitrary value with the system, under a set of keys
stop this server
Remove the value registered under a que or set of keys

Link to this section Functions

-spec cancel(term()) -> boolean().
Cancel all jobs assigned to the given key
-spec get(erlcron:job_ref()) -> pid() | undefined.
Get a pid by reference key.
-spec get_all() -> [{term(), term()}].
Get all the values.
-spec get_all_pids() -> [pid()].
Get all registered Pids.
-spec get_all_refs() -> [erlcron:job_ref()].
Get all registered job references.
-spec get_refs(pid()) -> [erlcron:job_ref()].
Get job refs associated with the pid
-spec register(erlcron:job_ref(), term()) -> boolean().
Register an arbitrary value with the system, under a set of keys
-spec start_link() -> {ok, Pid :: pid()} | ignore | {error, Error :: term()}.
-spec stop() -> ok.
stop this server
-spec unregister(erlcron:job_ref()) -> ok.
Remove the value registered under a que or set of keys