Next Generation ErlGuten - an Erlang typesetting system

Copyright © 2003-2012 Joe Armstrong, Mikael Karlsson, Johan Bevemyr, Sean Hinde, Håkan Stenholm, Carl Wright

Version: Apr 6 2022 23:21:34

Authors: Joe Armstrong, Mikael Karlsson, Johan Bevemyr, Sean Hinde, Håkan Stenholm, Carl Wright.

The easiest way to start using ErlGuten is, if you are using rebar3, just to add erlguten as a dependency in rebar.config:

{deps, [

The following code is the minimum you need to create a one page PDF with calls to the pdf module.

PDF = eg_pdf:new(),

To create a pdf into which to put content

eg_pdf:set_pagesize(PDF, a4),

To set the page size of the PDF. Other choices are letter, legal, and lots of A and B formats

eg_pdf:set_page(PDF, 1),

To set the page you are working on

eg_pdf:set_font(PDF, "Victorias-Secret", 40),

To set the font to use until told different

eg_pdf:set_text_pos(PDF, 50, 700),
eg_pdf:text(PDF, "Hello Joe from Gutenberg"),

To move to position (50,700) and place the "Hello Joe from Gutenberg" content

{Serialised, PageCount} = eg_pdf:export(PDF),

To create all the content of the pdf as a string in the term Serialised

file:write_file("../test/eg_test6.pdf", Serialised),

To output the pdf content into a finished PDF file


To delete the PDF object and the PDF process.

Generated by EDoc