View Source erlmld_flusher behaviour (erlmld v1.1.1)

Flusher behavior.

A flusher is initialized with a ShardID and some arbitrary data:

FlusherState = my_flusher:init(ShardId, FlusherData)

The flusher maintains a batch of records. A new record can be added using 'add_record', together with an opaque token. 'add_record' will return an error if the current batch is full:

case my_flusher:add_record(FlusherState, StreamRecord, Token) of {error, full} -> %% should flush and try again {ignored, NewFlusherState} -> %% record ignored {ok, NewFlusherState} -> %% record added end

The current batch can be flushed using 'flush'. The caller gets back a list of tokens identifying which records got flushed. If the second argument to flush/2 is 'full', all outstanding data must be flushed; this is to support checkpointing on shards which processing is being terminated.

{ok, NewFlusherState, FlushedTokens} = my_flusher:flush(FlusherState, partial)

A flusher is meant to be used as part of a 'erlmld_batch_processor'. The batch processor handles checkpointing and decides when to trigger flushing.

heartbeat/1 will be called regardless of whether any records could be obtained from the stream. It may return the same values as flush/2. If it returns a non-empty list of tokens as the third tuple element, it is considered to have just performed a partial flush. This allows a flusher to flush even if no records were actually available on the stream (e.g., after a period of time has elapsed), avoiding potential near-deadlock situations which would only be resolved by additional stream records appearing (where the batch processor is waiting for tokens from the flusher before checkpointing, but the flusher is waiting for more records from the batch processor before producing tokens via flushing).

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

-type flusher_state() :: term().
-type flusher_token() :: term().
-type sequence_number() :: #sequence_number{}.
-type shard_id() :: binary().
-type stream_record() :: #stream_record{}.

Link to this section Callbacks

-callback add_record(flusher_state(), stream_record(), flusher_token()) ->
              {ok, flusher_state()} | {ignored, flusher_state()} | {error, full | term()}.
-callback flush(flusher_state(), partial | full) ->
         {ok, flusher_state(), [flusher_token()]} | {error, term()}.
-callback heartbeat(flusher_state()) -> {ok, flusher_state(), [flusher_token()]} | {error, term()}.
-callback init(shard_id(), term()) -> flusher_state().

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

add_record(Mod, State, Record, Token)

View Source
-spec add_record(module(), flusher_state(), stream_record(), flusher_token()) ->
              {ok, flusher_state()} | {ignored, flusher_state()} | {error, full | term()}.
-spec flush(module(), flusher_state(), partial | full) ->
         {ok, flusher_state(), [flusher_token()]} | {error, term()}.
-spec heartbeat(module(), flusher_state()) -> {ok, flusher_state(), [flusher_token()]} | {error, term()}.
-spec init(module(), shard_id(), term()) -> flusher_state().