View Source ErrorTracker.Error (ErrorTracker v0.5.0)

Schema to store an error or exception recorded by ErrorTracker.

It stores a kind, reason and source code location to generate a unique fingerprint that can be used to avoid duplicates.

The fingerprint currently does not include the reason itself because it can contain specific details that can change on the same error depending on runtime conditions.



Returns if the Error has information of the source or not.


@type t() :: %ErrorTracker.Error{
  __meta__: term(),
  fingerprint: term(),
  id: term(),
  inserted_at: term(),
  kind: term(),
  last_occurrence_at: term(),
  occurrences: term(),
  reason: term(),
  source_function: term(),
  source_line: term(),
  status: term(),
  updated_at: term()


Returns if the Error has information of the source or not.

Errors usually have information about in which line and function occurred, but in some cases (like an Oban job ending with {:error, any()}) we cannot get that information and no source is stored.