View Source ErrorTracker.Filter behaviour (ErrorTracker v0.5.0)

Behaviour for sanitizing & modifying the error context before it's saved.

defmodule MyApp.ErrorFilter do
  @behaviour ErrorTracker.Filter

  @impl true
  def sanitize(context) do
    context # Modify the context object (add or remove fields as much as you need.)

Once implemented, include it in the ErrorTracker configuration:

config :error_tracker, filter: MyApp.Filter

With this configuration in place, the ErrorTracker will call MyApp.Filter.sanitize/1 to get a context before saving error occurrence.

A note on performance

Keep in mind that the sanitize/1 will be called in the context of the ErrorTracker itself. Slow code will have a significant impact in the ErrorTracker performance. Buggy code can bring the ErrorTracker process down.



This function will be given an error context to inspect/modify before it's saved.


@callback sanitize(context :: map()) :: map()

This function will be given an error context to inspect/modify before it's saved.