View Source ErrorTracker.Web (ErrorTracker v0.3.0)

ErrorTracker includes a dashboard to view and inspect errors that occurred on your application and are already stored in the database.

In order to use it, you need to add the following to your Phoenix's router.ex file:

defmodule YourAppWeb.Router do
  use Phoenix.Router
  use ErrorTracker.Web, :router


  error_tracker_dashboard "/errors"

This will add the routes needed for ErrorTracker's dashboard to work.

Security considerations

Errors may contain sensitive information, like IP addresses, users information or even passwords sent on forms!

Securing your dashboard is an important part of integrating ErrorTracker on your project.

In order to do so, we recommend implementing your own security mechanisms in the form of a mount hook and pass it to the error_tracker_dashboard macro using the on_mount option.

You can find more details on ErrorTracker.Web.Router.error_tracker_dashboard/2.

Static assets

Static assets (CSS and JS) are inlined during the compilation. If you have a Content Security Policy be sure to allow inline styles and scripts.

To do this, ensure that your style-src and script-src policies include the unsafe-inline value.

LiveView socket options

By default the library expects you to have your LiveView socket at /live and using websocket transport.

If that's not the case, you can configure it adding the following configuration to your app's config files:

config :error_tracker,
  socket: [
    path: "/my-custom-socket-path"
    transport: :longpoll # (accepted values are :longpoll or :websocket)