Module espace_worker_sup

Supervises the worker processes.

Copyright © (C) 2017, Fred Youhanaie

Behaviours: supervisor.

Authors: Fred Youhanaie (fyrlang@anydata,


Supervises the worker processes.

This is simple_one_for_one supervisor for all the worker processes.

Function Index

run_child/2Run a child process given a function or a string representation of a function.
run_child/3Run a child process given a Module/Function/Args triple.
start_link/1 Starts the supervisor.

Function Details


run_child(Fun::string() | function(), Args::list()) -> {ok, pid()}

Run a child process given a function or a string representation of a function.

This function should only be called by the supervisor process.


run_child(M::atom(), F::atom(), A::list()) -> {ok, pid()}

Run a child process given a Module/Function/Args triple.

This function should only be called by the supervisor process.


start_link(Inst_name::atom()) -> {ok, pid()} | ignore | {error, {already_started, pid()} | {shutdown, term()} | term()}

Starts the supervisor

We expect an espace instance name, which will uniquely identify all the components of the application.

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