Module espace_pterm


Copyright © 2022, Fred Youhanaie

Authors: Fred Youhanaie (


When espace instances are started, a number of instance specific persistent_term entries are created. The functions in this module provide access to these entries.

The persistent_term entries are expected to have the following format: {espace, Inst_name, Key}, where, Key identifies the particular espace item, such as server name or ETS table name, and Inst_name is the espace instance name, which is the same as the application name. For the unnamed instance the Inst_name is espace.

Data Types


pt_key() = {espace, atom(), atom()}

Function Index

erase/1Remove all the persistent terms for a given espace instance.
get/2Lookup the instance Key for Inst_name.
put/3Create an espace persistent term.

Function Details


erase(Inst_name::atom()) -> [] | [{pt_key(), term()}]

Remove all the persistent terms for a given espace instance.


get(Inst_name::atom(), Key::atom()) -> undefined | term()

Lookup the instance Key for Inst_name.

If the persistence term does not exist, undefined is returned.


put(Inst_name::atom(), Key::atom(), Term::term()) -> ok

Create an espace persistent term.

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