Essence (essence v0.3.0)

Essence is a Natural Language Processing and Text Summarization Library for Elixir.

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The clinton method is a convenience method for reading the supplemented plain-text file of the 2016 Hillary Clinton Nomination Acceptance Speech, which is part of the Essence unit test suite.

The genesis method is a convenience method for reading the supplemented plain-text file of the Book of Genesis, which is part of the Essence unit test suite.

The read_file method reads a plain-text file from a given filename and returns a UTF-8 encoded bitstring representation of the text.

The stream_lines method reads a plain-text file from a given filename and returns an UTF-8 encoded stream of lines. This allows us to perform efficient stream-processing of large text files.

The trump method is a convenience method for reading the supplemented plain-text file of the 2016 Donal Trump Nomination Acceptance Speech, which is part of the Essence unit test suite.

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The clinton method is a convenience method for reading the supplemented plain-text file of the 2016 Hillary Clinton Nomination Acceptance Speech, which is part of the Essence unit test suite.

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The genesis method is a convenience method for reading the supplemented plain-text file of the Book of Genesis, which is part of the Essence unit test suite.

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The read_file method reads a plain-text file from a given filename and returns a UTF-8 encoded bitstring representation of the text.

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The stream_lines method reads a plain-text file from a given filename and returns an UTF-8 encoded stream of lines. This allows us to perform efficient stream-processing of large text files.

The trump method is a convenience method for reading the supplemented plain-text file of the 2016 Donal Trump Nomination Acceptance Speech, which is part of the Essence unit test suite.