EthWallet.Web3x.Wallet (eth_wallet v0.1.1)

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Destructure a signature to r, s, v to be used by Secp256k1 recover

Get Public Ethereum Address from Public Key

Strip 0x prefix from a binary

Verifies if a message was signed by a wallet keypair given a the public address, message, signature

Verifies if a message was signed by a wallet keypair given a the public address, message, signature, and nonce in the message


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Destructure a signature to r, s, v to be used by Secp256k1 recover

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Get Public Ethereum Address from Public Key

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get_nonce(bytes_num \\ 16)

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Strip 0x prefix from a binary

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verify_message?(public_address, message, signature)

@spec verify_message?(any(), binary(), binary()) :: boolean()

Verifies if a message was signed by a wallet keypair given a the public address, message, signature

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verify_message?(public_address, message, signature, nonce)

Verifies if a message was signed by a wallet keypair given a the public address, message, signature, and nonce in the message

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verify_signature(hash, signature)