View Source Ethers.Contracts.Multicall3 (Ethers v0.6.3)
Multicall3 token interface
More info:
Default address of the contract. Returns nil
if not specified.
Prepares aggregate3((address,bool,bytes)[] calls)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares aggregate3Value((address,bool,uint256,bytes)[] calls)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares aggregate((address,bytes)[] calls)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares blockAndAggregate((address,bytes)[] calls)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares contract constructor values for deployment.
Prepares getBasefee()
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares getBlockHash(uint256 blockNumber)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares getBlockNumber()
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares getChainId()
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares getCurrentBlockCoinbase()
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares getCurrentBlockDifficulty()
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares getCurrentBlockGasLimit()
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares getCurrentBlockTimestamp()
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares getEthBalance(address addr)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares getLastBlockHash()
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares tryAggregate(bool requireSuccess, (address,bytes)[] calls)
call parameters on the contract.
Prepares tryBlockAndAggregate(bool requireSuccess, (address,bytes)[] calls)
call parameters on the contract.
@spec __default_address__() :: Ethers.Types.t_address()
Default address of the contract. Returns nil
if not specified.
To specify a default address see Ethers.Contract
@spec aggregate3([{Ethers.Types.t_address(), boolean(), binary()}]) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares aggregate3((address,bool,bytes)[] calls)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
It also supports receiving ether from the transaction origin.
State mutability: payable
Function Parameter Types
- calls:
{:array, {:tuple, [:address, :bool, :bytes]}}
Return Types (when called with
- returnData:
{:array, {:tuple, [:bool, :bytes]}}
@spec aggregate3_value([ {Ethers.Types.t_address(), boolean(), non_neg_integer(), binary()} ]) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares aggregate3Value((address,bool,uint256,bytes)[] calls)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
It also supports receiving ether from the transaction origin.
State mutability: payable
Function Parameter Types
- calls:
{:array, {:tuple, [:address, :bool, {:uint, 256}, :bytes]}}
Return Types (when called with
- returnData:
{:array, {:tuple, [:bool, :bytes]}}
@spec aggregate([{Ethers.Types.t_address(), binary()}]) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares aggregate((address,bytes)[] calls)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
It also supports receiving ether from the transaction origin.
State mutability: payable
Function Parameter Types
- calls:
{:array, {:tuple, [:address, :bytes]}}
Return Types (when called with
- blockNumber:
{:uint, 256}
- returnData:
{:array, :bytes}
@spec block_and_aggregate([{Ethers.Types.t_address(), binary()}]) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares blockAndAggregate((address,bytes)[] calls)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
It also supports receiving ether from the transaction origin.
State mutability: payable
Function Parameter Types
- calls:
{:array, {:tuple, [:address, :bytes]}}
Return Types (when called with
- blockNumber:
{:uint, 256}
- blockHash:
{:bytes, 32}
- returnData:
{:array, {:tuple, [:bool, :bytes]}}
@spec constructor() :: binary()
Prepares contract constructor values for deployment.
To deploy a contracts use Ethers.deploy/2
and pass the result of this function as
@spec get_basefee() :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares getBasefee()
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Return Types (when called with
- basefee:
{:uint, 256}
@spec get_block_hash(non_neg_integer()) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares getBlockHash(uint256 blockNumber)
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Function Parameter Types
- blockNumber:
{:uint, 256}
Return Types (when called with
- blockHash:
{:bytes, 32}
@spec get_block_number() :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares getBlockNumber()
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Return Types (when called with
- blockNumber:
{:uint, 256}
@spec get_chain_id() :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares getChainId()
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Return Types (when called with
- chainid:
{:uint, 256}
@spec get_current_block_coinbase() :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares getCurrentBlockCoinbase()
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Return Types (when called with
- coinbase:
@spec get_current_block_difficulty() :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares getCurrentBlockDifficulty()
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Return Types (when called with
- difficulty:
{:uint, 256}
@spec get_current_block_gas_limit() :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares getCurrentBlockGasLimit()
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Return Types (when called with
- gaslimit:
{:uint, 256}
@spec get_current_block_timestamp() :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares getCurrentBlockTimestamp()
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Return Types (when called with
- timestamp:
{:uint, 256}
@spec get_eth_balance(Ethers.Types.t_address()) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares getEthBalance(address addr)
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Function Parameter Types
- addr:
Return Types (when called with
- balance:
{:uint, 256}
@spec get_last_block_hash() :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares getLastBlockHash()
call parameters on the contract.
This function should only be called for result and never in a transaction on its own. (Use
State mutability: view
Return Types (when called with
- blockHash:
{:bytes, 32}
@spec try_aggregate(boolean(), [{Ethers.Types.t_address(), binary()}]) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares tryAggregate(bool requireSuccess, (address,bytes)[] calls)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
It also supports receiving ether from the transaction origin.
State mutability: payable
Function Parameter Types
- requireSuccess:
- calls:
{:array, {:tuple, [:address, :bytes]}}
Return Types (when called with
- returnData:
{:array, {:tuple, [:bool, :bytes]}}
@spec try_block_and_aggregate(boolean(), [{Ethers.Types.t_address(), binary()}]) :: Ethers.TxData.t()
Prepares tryBlockAndAggregate(bool requireSuccess, (address,bytes)[] calls)
call parameters on the contract.
This function can be used for a transaction or additionally called for results (Use Ethers.send_transaction/2
It also supports receiving ether from the transaction origin.
State mutability: payable
Function Parameter Types
- requireSuccess:
- calls:
{:array, {:tuple, [:address, :bytes]}}
Return Types (when called with
- blockNumber:
{:uint, 256}
- blockHash:
{:bytes, 32}
- returnData:
{:array, {:tuple, [:bool, :bytes]}}