View Source euneus_decoder (euneus v2.4.0)



Decodes a binary JSON into a term.

Continue parsing a stream of bytes of a JSON value.

Begin parsing a stream of bytes of a JSON value.


-type codec() :: copy | timestamp | datetime | ipv4 | ipv6 | pid | port | reference | codec_callback().
-type codec_callback() :: fun((binary()) -> next | {halt, term()}).
-type options() ::
          #{codecs => [codec()],
            null => term(),
            binary_to_float => json:from_binary_fun(),
            binary_to_integer => json:from_binary_fun(),
            array_start => json:array_start_fun(),
            array_push => json:array_push_fun(),
            array_finish => ordered | reversed | json:array_finish_fun(),
            object_start => json:object_start_fun(),
            object_keys => binary | copy | atom | existing_atom | json:from_binary_fun(),
            object_push => json:object_push_fun(),
            object_finish => map | proplist | reversed_proplist | json:object_finish_fun()}.
-type stream_result() :: {continue, stream_state()} | {end_of_input, term()}.
-type stream_state() :: json:continuation_state() | tuple().


-spec decode(JSON, Options) -> term() when JSON :: binary(), Options :: options().

Decodes a binary JSON into a term.


  1> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"\"foo\"">>, #{}).

Option details:

  • codecs - Transforms a JSON binary value into an Erlang term. By returning next, the next codec will be called, or by returning {halt, Term :: term()}, the Term is returned as the value.

    You can use the built-in codecs or your own. Please see the euneus_decoder:codec/0 type for details.

    Default is [].

    Built-in codecs:

    • timestamp - Transforms an ISO 8601 string with milliseconds into an erlang:timestamp/0.


        1> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"\"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\"">>, #{codecs => [timestamp]}).
        {0, 0, 0}
    • datetime - Transforms an ISO 8601 string into a calendar:datetime/0.


        1> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"">>, #{codecs => [datetime]}).
        {{1970, 01, 01},{00, 00, 00}}
    • ipv4 - Transforms a JSON string into an inet:ip4_address/0.


        1> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"\"\"">>, #{codecs => [ipv4]}).
        {127, 0, 0, 1}
    • ipv6 - Transforms a JSON string into an inet:ip6_address/0.


        1> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"\"::\"">>, #{codecs => [ipv6]}).
        {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
        2> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"\"::1\"">>, #{codecs => [ipv6]}).
        {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}
        3> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"\"::\"">>, #{codecs => [ipv6]}).
        {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (192 bsl 8) bor 168, (42 bsl 8) bor 2}
        4> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"\"::ffff:\"">>, #{codecs => [ipv6]}).
        {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16#FFFF, (192 bsl 8) bor 168, (42 bsl 8) bor 2}
        5> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"\"3ffe:b80:1f8d:2:204:acff:fe17:bf38\"">>, #{codecs => [ipv6]}).
        {16#3ffe, 16#b80, 16#1f8d, 16#2, 16#204, 16#acff, 16#fe17, 16#bf38}
        6> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"\"fe80::204:acff:fe17:bf38\"">>, #{codecs => [ipv6]}).
        {16#fe80, 0, 0, 0, 16#204, 16#acff, 16#fe17, 16#bf38}
    • pid - Transforms a JSON string into an erlang:pid/0.


        1> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"\"<0.92.0>\"">>, #{codecs => [pid]})
        .. =:= list_to_pid("<0.92.0>").
    • port - Transforms a JSON string into an erlang:port/0.


        1> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"\"#Port<0.1>\"">>, #{codecs => [port]})
        .. =:= list_to_port("#Port<0.1>").
    • reference - Transforms a JSON string into an erlang:reference/0.


        1> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"\"#Ref<0.314572725.1088159747.110918>\"">>, #{codecs => [reference]})
        .. =:= list_to_ref("#Ref<0.314572725.1088159747.110918>").

    Custom codec example:

      1> euneus:decode(<<"\"foo\"">>, #{codecs => [fun(<<"foo">>) -> {halt, foo} end]}).
  • null - Defines which term should be considered null.

    Default is null.


      1> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"null">>, #{null => nil}).
  • binary_to_float - Overrides the default binary to float conversion.

  • binary_to_integer - Overrides the default binary to integer conversion..

  • array_start - Overrides the json:array_start_fun/0 callback.

  • array_push - Overrides the json:array_push_fun/0 callback.

  • array_finish - Overrides the json:array_finish_fun/0 callback.

    In addition to the custom function, there are:

    • ordered - Returns the array in the same order as the JSON.

      That's the slower option.


        1> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"[1,2,3]">>, #{array_finish => ordered}).
    • reversed - Returns the array in a reversed order.

      That's the faster option.


        1> euneus_decoder:decode(<<"[1,2,3]">>, #{array_finish => reversed}).

    Default is ordered.

  • object_start - Overrides the json:object_start_fun/0 callback.

  • object_keys - Transforms JSON objects key into Erlang term.

    In addition to the custom function, there are:

    Default is binary.

  • object_push - Overrides the json:object_push_fun/0 callback.

  • object_finish - Overrides the json:object_finish_fun/0 callback.

    In addition to the custom function, there are:

    • map - Returns the object as a erlang:map/0.

      That's the slower option.


        1> euneus_decoder:decode(
        ..     <<"{\"a\":\"a\",\"b\":\"b\",\"c\":\"c\"}">>,
        ..     #{object_finish => map}
        .. ).
        #{<<"a">> => <<"a">>,<<"b">> => <<"b">>,<<"c">> => <<"c">>}
    • proplist - Returns the object as an ordered proplists:proplist/0.


        1> euneus_decoder:decode(
        ..     <<"{\"a\":\"a\",\"b\":\"b\",\"c\":\"c\"}">>,
        ..     #{object_finish => proplist}
        .. ).
        [{<<"a">>, <<"a">>},{<<"b">>, <<"b">>},{<<"c">>, <<"c">>}]
    • reversed_proplist - Returns the object as a reversed proplists:proplist/0.

      That's the faster option.


        1> euneus_decoder:decode(
        ..     <<"{\"a\":\"a\",\"b\":\"b\",\"c\":\"c\"}">>,
        ..     #{object_finish => reversed_proplist}
        .. ).
        [{<<"c">>, <<"c">>},{<<"b">>, <<"b">>},{<<"a">>, <<"a">>}]

    Default is map.

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stream_continue(JSON, State)

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-spec stream_continue(JSON, State) -> stream_result()
                         when JSON :: binary() | end_of_input, State :: stream_state().

Continue parsing a stream of bytes of a JSON value.

Similar to stream_start/2, if the function returns {continue, State} and there is no more data, use end_of_input instead of a binary.


  1> begin
  .. {continue, State} = euneus_decoder:stream_start(<<"{\"foo\":">>, #{}),
  .. euneus_decoder:stream_continue(<<"1}">>, State)
  .. end.
  {end_of_input,#{<<"foo">> => 1}}
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stream_start(JSON, Options)

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-spec stream_start(JSON, Options) -> stream_result() when JSON :: binary(), Options :: options().

Begin parsing a stream of bytes of a JSON value.

Similar to decode/2 but returns {end_of_input, Term} when a complete JSON value is parsed or returns {continue, State} for incomplete data.

The State can be fed to the stream_continue/2 function when more data is available.