Module eunit_addons

Eunit addons make it easier to work with tests that require some kind of setup/cleanup to be performed before/after each test.


Eunit addons make it easier to work with tests that require some kind of setup/cleanup to be performed before/after each test.

Include the following in your eunit test suite and you should be on your way. You don't have to include the eunit/include/eunit.hrl, since that's automatically included by the line below:

This adds a set of macros which help you write eunit tests.

Run all ..._test/1 functions with setup/cleanup

Benefits of these macros:

NOTE: Use one of the ?WITH_SETUP macros with fewer parameters (if possible), since these don't require that the list of tests to be run are be specified but rather deduce that from the test module itself. However, the version of the macro which has the Tests parameter might be useful when there are different groups of tests in one module which require different setup.

The {spawn,Test} feature of eunit is used to achieve test isoloation.

Run all ..._test/1 functions (with default timeouts)

       ?WITH_SETUP(SetupFun, CleanupFun)
is equivalent to:
       ?WITH_SETUP(SetupFun, CleanupFun, 120, 30)

See ?WITH_SETUP/4 for details.

Example: Run all functions named ..._test/1 in the current module with default timeouts. Start a server as part of the setup. The ..._test_/0 function is a test generator (this is how eunit works; it must be named ..._test_/0). The ?WITH_SETUP macro will only look for functions named ..._test/1 and run these.
       my_server_test_() ->
           ?WITH_SETUP(fun() ->
                           {ok, Pid} = my_server:start_link(),
                       fun(Pid) ->
       returns_foo_test(Pid) ->
           foo = my_server:get_foo(Pid).
       returns_bar_test(Pid) ->
           bar = my_server:get_bar(Pid).
In the above example, functions are called in this order:
       setup fun() -> Pid1
       cleanup fun(Pid1)
       setup fun() -> Pid2
       cleanup fun(Pid2)

Run all ..._test/1 functions (with user-defined timeouts)

       ?WITH_SETUP(SetupFun, CleanupFun, ForAllTimeout, PerTcTimeout)
is equivalent to:
       ?WITH_SETUP(SetupFun, CleanupFun, ForAllTimeout, PerTcTimeout,

See ?WITH_SETUP/5 for details.

Example: Run all functions named ..._test/1 in the current module with user-defined timeouts. Start a server as part of the setup. The ..._test_/0 function is a test generator (this is how eunit works; it must be named ..._test_/0). This ?WITH_SETUP macro will run all tests in Tests.
       my_server_test_() ->
           ?WITH_SETUP(fun() ->
                           {ok, Pid} = my_server:start_link(),
                       fun(Pid) ->
                       120,  % timeout for all tests
                       60).  % timeout for each test
       returns_foo_test(Pid) ->
           foo = my_server:get_foo(Pid).
       returns_bar_test(Pid) ->
           bar = my_server:get_bar(Pid).
In the above example, functions are called in this order:
       setup fun() -> Pid1
       cleanup fun(Pid1)
       setup fun() -> Pid2
       cleanup fun(Pid2)

Run a subset of test functions (with user-defined timeouts)

       ?WITH_SETUP(SetupFun, CleanupFun, ForAllTimeout, PerTcTimeout, Tests)
           SetupFun = () -> State
           CleanupFun = (State) -> void()
           State = term()
           ForAllTimeout = integer()
           PerTcTimeout = integer()
           Tests = [Test]
           Test = atom()

Runs SetupFun before and CleanupFun after each Test. SetupFun is a zero-argument fun which may do any setup that has to be done before the test is performed. The result of this fun, State, is passed to each of the Tests as well as the CleanupFun. The CleanupFun is supposed to take care of any cleanup after the test and is called regardless of whether the test was successful or not. Each Test must be a function of arity 1 (the parameter is the output from the SetupFun).

ForAllTimeout is the maximum time (in seconds) all the Tests are allowed to take. PerTcTimeout is the maximum time (in seconds) a single Test is allowed to take.

Tests is a list of names of functions (arity 1). Each of these Test functions will be passed the output from the SetupFun.

Example: Run a selected number of tests using user-defined timeouts:
       my_server_foo_test_() ->
           ?WITH_SETUP(fun setup_before_foo/0,
                       fun cleanup_after_foo/1,
                       120,  % timeout for all tests
                       60,   % timeout for each test
                       [returns_foo_test,   % run only `foo' tests
       returns_foo_test(Pid) ->
           foo = my_server:get_foo(Pid).
       sets_foo_test(Pid) ->
           my_server:set_foo(Pid, foo2).
           foo2 = my_server:get_foo(Pid).
       my_server_bar_test_() ->
           ?WITH_SETUP(fun setup_before_bar/0,
                       fun cleanup_after_bar/1,
                       120,  % timeout for all tests
                       60,   % timeout for each test
                       [returns_bar_test]). % run only `bar' tests
       returns_bar_test(Pid) ->
           bar = my_server:get_bar(Pid).
In the above example, functions are called in this order:
       %% foo tests
       setup_before_foo() -> Pid1
       setup_before_foo() -> Pid2
       %% bar tests
       setup_before_foo() -> Pid3

Function Index

get_tests_with_setup/1Return a list of tests which require a setup (..._test/1).

Function Details


get_tests_with_setup(Module) -> [{Fn, Arity}]

Return a list of tests which require a setup (..._test/1).

Generated by EDoc, Aug 21 2018, 22:32:29.