Module eunit_helper

Helper functions for eunit testing.

Copyright © 2021 by Anatolii Kosorukov

Authors: Anatolii Kosorukov ( [web site:].


Helper functions for eunit testing.

Function Index

check_all_by_regex/3Checks whether string's elements match regular expression.
check_all_by_regex/4Checks whether string's elements match regular expression.

Function Details


check_all_by_regex(MP, CharacterList, CheckFirst) -> Result

MP: regular expression
CharacterList: input string
CheckFirst: logic switch. It determines whether the desired solution is a match or a nomatch when the regex is executed

returns: Returns true if all elements of CharacterList meet the criteria for regular expression and logical switch CheckFirst.

Checks whether string's elements match regular expression.
See also: re:run/2.


check_all_by_regex(MP, CharacterList, CheckFirst, DebugInfo) -> Result

MP: regular expression
CharacterList: input string
CheckFirst: logic switch. It determines whether the desired solution is a match or a nomatch when the regex is executed
DebugInfo: information for additional logging printing

returns: Returns true if all elements of CharacterList meet the criteria for regular expression and logical switch CheckFirst.

Checks whether string's elements match regular expression.
See also: re:run/2.

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