Eunomo.Formatter.AlphabeticalRequireSorter (eunomo v0.1.3)

Sorts require definitions alphabetically.

The sorting does not happen globally. Instead each "require block" is sorted separately. An "require block" is a set of require expressions that are not separated by at least one empty newline or other non-require expressions.

Only the order of lines is modified by this formatter. Neither the overall number of lines nor the content of a single line will change. This means that multi-requires are not internally sorted i.e. Hello.{World, Earth} does not become Hello.{Earth, World}.


iex> code_snippet = """
...> require Eunomo.Z.{L, I}
...> require Eunomo.Z
...> require Eunomo.{
...>   L,
...>   B,
...>   # test
...> }
...> require Eunomo.C
...> \nrequire Eunomo.PG.Repo
...> require A
...> require Eunomo.Patient
...> """
...> Eunomo.format_string(code_snippet, [Eunomo.Formatter.AlphabeticalRequireSorter])
require Eunomo.C
require Eunomo.Z
require Eunomo.Z.{L, I}
require Eunomo.{
  # test
\nrequire A
require Eunomo.Patient
require Eunomo.PG.Repo