View Source EventStreamex.Events (EventStreamex v1.3.1)

This module can be used in schema modules and is necessary to mark an entity for event listening.

This is what connects an entity to the WAL events.

If you don't use this module for an entity you won't be able to receive its events, which will prevent you from listening to events in live views (EventStreamex.EventListener), and to use them in operators to update other entities (EventStreamex.Operators.Operator).

To mark an entity for event listening, you only have to use this module in the schema module of the entity:

defmodule MyApp.Blog.Comment do
  use MyApp.Schema

  use EventStreamex.Events,
    name: :my_app,
    schema: "comments",
    extra_channels: [%{scopes: [post_id: "posts"]}]

  import Ecto.Changeset

  schema "comments" do
    field :message, :string
    field :post_id, Ecto.UUID

    timestamps(type: :utc_datetime)

  @doc false
  def changeset(comment, attrs) do
    |> cast(attrs, [:id, :message, :post_id])
    |> validate_required([:message, :post_id])

In this example, we have a comments entity that we want to mark for event listening.

This comments entity is scoped by a post_id related to a posts entity. So we needed to add an extra_channels so that comment events will also be emitted in a channel specific for his scopes (See EventStreamex.EventListener for more details on scopes)

Several scopes can be used for an entity. The order used for scopes must be the same when you define it in EventStreamex.EventListener.

Here is an example with another scope:

use EventStreamex.Events,
    name: :my_app,
    schema: "comments",
    extra_channels: [%{scopes: [org_id: "organizations", post_id: "posts"]}]

Here we say a comment has 2 scopes: an organization and a post. That means the entity must have the 2 fields: org_id and post_id.

How it works

As said earlier, this module marks the entity for WAL events. Which allows you to listen to its changes and to use it in operators.

Under the hoods, this module will create a sub module inside the module you use it in. And it will define functions that will be called each time something happens with this entity (insert, update, delete).

Then, it will dispatch the event to all operators listening to this entity (EventStreamex.Operators.Operator). And it will emit an event in the configured pubsub module in several channels:

  • direct: We emit in a specific channel containing the ID of the enity
  • unscoped: We emit in a channel for changes of all entities of this type
  • scopes: We emit in a channel for entities matching the given scopes (Like in the example above)

For more information about scopes and channels, see EventStreamex.EventListener.

use params

When you use this module, you will be able to specify these parameters:

  • :module_name: The name of the module that will be created in your module to perform the events logic (Defaults to "Events")
  • :schema: The name of the entity as a string (mandatory field)
  • :name: The name of your application (Mandatory field)
  • :extra_channels: The channels to emit events to. :direct and :unscoped are always used, and you can add your own scopes for this entity (Defaults to [])
  • :application: The application module to use to retrieve config values (Defaults to Application)
  • :scheduler: If you want to use another scheduler to handle events processed by operators (Defaults to EventStreamex.Operators.Scheduler)



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View Source (since 1.0.0)