
You're seeing just the callback read_stream_forward, go back to EventStore module for more information.
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read_stream_forward(stream_uuid, start_version, count, opts)

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  stream_uuid :: String.t(),
  start_version :: non_neg_integer(),
  count :: non_neg_integer(),
  opts :: options()
) ::
  {:ok, [EventStore.RecordedEvent.t()]}
  | {:error, :stream_deleted}
  | {:error, reason :: term()}

Reads the requested number of events from the given stream in the order in which they were originally written.

  • stream_uuid is used to uniquely identify a stream.

  • start_version optionally, the stream version of the first event to read. Defaults to the beginning of the stream if not set.

  • count optionally, the maximum number of events to read. Defaults to to returning 1,000 events from the stream.

  • opts an optional keyword list containing:

    • name the name of the event store if provided to start_link/1.
    • timeout an optional timeout for the database transaction, in milliseconds. Defaults to 15,000ms.