View Source Evision.HighGui (Evision v0.1.10)

High-level Graphical User Interface

Link to this section Summary


Close all windows

Close a named window

Show a mat in a named window

Wait for user keyboard event for a delay amount of time (ms)

Link to this section Functions

@spec destroyAllWindows() :: :ok

Close all windows

@spec destroyWindow(String.t()) :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}

Close a named window

Positional Arguments

  • winname. String

    The name of the window.

@spec imshow(String.t(), Evision.Mat.maybe_mat_in() | Nx.Tensor.t()) ::
  :ok | {:error, String.t()}

Show a mat in a named window

Positional Arguments


iex> mat = Evision.imread!("example.jpg")
iex> Evision.imshow("OpenCV", mat)
# the following line may be necessary on your system
# will try to improve this later
iex> Evision.waitkey(0)
@spec waitKey(integer()) :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}

Wait for user keyboard event for a delay amount of time (ms)

Positional Arguments

  • delay. int

    Wait for delay ms.