evm v0.1.14 EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation

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Get address of currently executing account

Get balance of the given account

Copy input data in current environment to memory

Get input data of current environment

Get size of input data in current environment

Get caller address

Get deposited value by the instruction / transaction responsible for this execution

Copy code running in current environment to memory

Get size of code running in current environment

Copy an account’s code to memory

Get size of an account’s code

Get price of gas in current environment

Get execution origination address

Link to this section Functions

Get address of currently executing account.


iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.address([], %{exec_env: %EVM.ExecEnv{address: <<01, 00>>}})
<<1, 0>>

Get balance of the given account.


iex> db = MerklePatriciaTree.Test.random_ets_db()
iex> state = MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.new(db)
iex> account_interface = EVM.Interface.Mock.MockAccountInterface.new(%{123 => %{balance: 500}})
iex> exec_env = %EVM.ExecEnv{account_interface: account_interface}
iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.balance([123], %{state: state, exec_env: exec_env, machine_state: %EVM.MachineState{}}).machine_state.stack

iex> db = MerklePatriciaTree.Test.random_ets_db()
iex> state = MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.new(db)
iex> account_map = %{123 => %{balance: nil}}
iex> account_interface = EVM.Interface.Mock.MockAccountInterface.new(%{account_map: account_map})
iex> exec_env = %EVM.ExecEnv{account_interface: account_interface}
iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.balance([123], %{state: state, exec_env: exec_env, machine_state: %EVM.MachineState{}}).machine_state.stack

Copy input data in current environment to memory.

TODO: Implement opcode


iex> code = <<54>>
iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.calldatacopy([0, 0, 1], %{exec_env: %EVM.ExecEnv{data: code}, machine_state: %EVM.MachineState{}})
%{machine_state: %EVM.MachineState{active_words: 1, gas: nil, memory: <<54>> <> <<0::248>>, program_counter: 0, previously_active_words: 0, stack: []}}

Get input data of current environment.

TODO: Implement opcode


iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.calldataload([0], %{exec_env: %{data: (for _ <- 1..50, into: <<>>, do: <<255>>)}})

iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.calldataload([0], %{exec_env: %{data: (for _ <- 1..3, into: <<>>, do: <<1>>)}})
<<1::8, 1::8, 1::8, 0::232>> |> EVM.Helpers.decode_signed

iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.calldataload([100], %{exec_env: %{data: (for _ <- 1..3, into: <<>>, do: <<1>>)}})

Get size of input data in current environment.


iex> exec_env = %EVM.ExecEnv{data: "hello world"}
iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.calldatasize([], %{exec_env: exec_env})

Get caller address.

This is the address of the account that is directly responsible for this execution.


iex> exec_env = %EVM.ExecEnv{originator: <<1::160>>, sender: <<2::160>>}
iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.caller([], %{exec_env: exec_env, machine_state: %EVM.MachineState{}})

Get deposited value by the instruction / transaction responsible for this execution.


iex> exec_env = %EVM.ExecEnv{value_in_wei: 1_000}
iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.callvalue([], %{exec_env: exec_env})

Copy code running in current environment to memory.


iex> code = <<54>>
iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.codecopy([0, 0, 1], %{exec_env: %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: code}, machine_state: %EVM.MachineState{}})
%{machine_state: %EVM.MachineState{active_words: 1, gas: nil, memory: <<54>> <> <<0::248>>, program_counter: 0, previously_active_words: 0, stack: []}}

Get size of code running in current environment.


iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.codesize([], %{exec_env: %{machine_code: <<0::256>>}})

Copy an account’s code to memory.


iex> db = MerklePatriciaTree.Test.random_ets_db()
iex> state = MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.new(db)
iex> code = <<54>>
iex> account_map = %{<<0::160>> => %{code: code}}
iex> account_interface = EVM.Interface.Mock.MockAccountInterface.new(account_map)
iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.extcodecopy([<<0::160>>, 0, 0, 1], %{exec_env: %EVM.ExecEnv{account_interface: account_interface}, machine_state: %EVM.MachineState{}, state: state})[:machine_state]
%EVM.MachineState{active_words: 1, gas: nil, memory: <<54>> <> <<0::248>>, program_counter: 0, previously_active_words: 0, stack: []}

Get size of an account’s code.


iex> account_interface = EVM.Interface.Mock.MockAccountInterface.new(%{0x01 => %{code: <<0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44>>}})
iex> db = MerklePatriciaTree.Test.random_ets_db()
iex> state = MerklePatriciaTree.Trie.new(db)
iex> exec_env = %EVM.ExecEnv{account_interface: account_interface}
iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.extcodesize([0x01], %{exec_env: exec_env, state: state, machine_state: %EVM.MachineState{}}).machine_state.stack

Get price of gas in current environment.


iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.gasprice([], %{exec_env: %{gas_price: 98}})

Get execution origination address.

This is the sender of original transaction; it is never an account with non-empty associated code.


iex> exec_env = %EVM.ExecEnv{originator: <<1::160>>, sender: <<2::160>>}
iex> EVM.Operation.EnvironmentalInformation.origin([], %{exec_env: exec_env})