ExAliyunOts.Search (ex_aliyun_ots v0.14.2) View Source

Use the multiple efficient index schemas of search index to solve complex query problems.

Here are links to the search section of Alibaba official document: Chinese | English

To use ExAliyunOts, a module that calls use ExAliyunOts has to be defined:

defmodule MyApp.Tablestore do
  use ExAliyunOts, instance: :my_instance

This automatically defines some search functions in MyApp.Tablestore module, we can use them as helpers when invoke MyApp.Tablestore.search/3, here are some examples:

import MyApp.Tablestore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: match_query("age", 28),
    sort: [
      field_sort("age", order: :desc)

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: exists_query("column_a"),
    group_bys: [
      group_by_field("group_name", "column_b",
        sub_group_bys: [
          group_by_range("group_name_1", "column_d", [{0, 10}, {10, 20}])
        sort: [
      group_by_field("group_name2", "column_c")
    aggs: [
      agg_min("aggregation_name", "column_e")

Please notice:

  • The statistics(via :aggs) and GroupBy type aggregations(via :group_bys) can be used at the same time.
  • The GroupBy type aggregations support the nested sub statistics(via :sub_aggs) and sub GroupBy type aggregations(via :sub_group_bys).
  • To ensure the performance and reduce the complexity of aggregations, there is a limitation with a certain number of levels for nesting.
  • If you are only care about using :aggs or :group_bys, meanwhile do not need the returned rows, you can set :limit as 0 to ignore the matched rows return, there will have a better query performance.

Link to this section Summary


Use BoolQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Use ExistsQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Use GeoBoundingBoxQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Use GeoDistanceQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Use GeoPolygonQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Use MatchAllQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Use MatchPhraseQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Use MatchQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Use NestedQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4, the target field need to be a nested type, it is used to query sub documents of nested type.

Use PrefixQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Use RangeQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Use RangeQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Use TermQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Use TermsQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Use WildcardQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.


Sort by the value of a column, use it in the nested :sort option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Geographic distance sorting, according to the sum of distances between to the input geographical points, sort by the minimum/maximum/average summation value.

Use for the nested type field in field_sort/2 as :nested_filter option, the input filter is a Query to filter results.

Sort by the primary key(s) of row, use it in the nested :sort option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Sort by the relevance score to apply the full-text indexing properly, use it in the nested :sort option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts/search/4.


Calculate the average value of the assigned field by aggregation in the nested :aggs option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Calculate the count of the assigned field by aggregation in the nested :aggs option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Calculate the distinct count of the assigned field by aggregation in the nested :aggs option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Calculate the maximum value of the assigned field by aggregation in the nested :aggs option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Calculate the minimum value of the assigned field by aggregation in the nested :aggs option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Calculate the summation of the assigned field by aggregation in the nested :aggs option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.


The :group_bys results are grouped according to the value of a field, the same value will be put into a group, finally, the value of each group and the number corresponding to the value will be returned.

On the query results, group by filters (they're Query usecase), and then get the number of matched filters, the order of the returned results is the same as that of the added filter(s).

The query results are grouped according to the range from a certain center Geo point, if the distance difference is within a certain range, it will be put into a group, and finally the number of corresponding items in each range will be returned.

The :group_bys results are grouped according to the range of a field, if the field value is within a range, it will be put into a group, finally, the number corresponding to the value will be returned.

Sort in GroupByField

Use in group_by_field/3 scenario, in ascending/descending order of field literal.

Use in group_by_field/3 scenario, in ascending/descending order of row(s) count.

Use in group_by_field/3 scenario, in ascending/descending order of the value from sub statistics.

Link to this section Types


aggregation_name() :: String.t()


field_name() :: String.t()


group_name() :: String.t()


options() :: Keyword.t()


order() :: :asc | :desc

Link to this section Query


bool_query(options()) :: map()

Use BoolQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: bool_query(
      must: range_query("age", from: 20, to: 32),
      must_not: term_query("age", 28)

The following options can be a single Query or a list of Query to combine the "And | Or | At least" search condition.


  • :must, specifies the Queries that the query result must match, this option is equivalent to the AND operator.
  • :must_not, specifies the Queries that the query result must not match, this option is equivalent to the NOT operator.
  • :should, specifies the Queries that the query result may or may not match, this option is equivalent to the OR operator.
  • :minimum_should_match, specifies the minimum number of :should that the query result must match.
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exists_query(field_name()) :: map()

Use ExistsQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: exists_query("values")
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geo_bounding_box_query(field_name, top_left, bottom_right)

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  top_left :: String.t(),
  bottom_right :: String.t()
) :: map()

Use GeoBoundingBoxQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore
search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: geo_bounding_box_query("location", "10,-10", "-10,10")

Please notice that all geographic coordinates are in "$latitude,$longitude" format.

Link to this function

geo_distance_query(field_name, distance, center_point)

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  distance :: float() | integer(),
  center_point :: String.t()
) :: map()

Use GeoDistanceQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore
search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: geo_distance_query("location", 500_000, "5,5")

Please notice that all geographic coordinates are in "$latitude,$longitude" format.

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geo_polygon_query(field_name, geo_points)

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geo_polygon_query(field_name(), geo_points :: list()) :: map()

Use GeoPolygonQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: geo_polygon_query("location", ["11,11", "0,0", "1,5"])

Please notice that all geographic coordinates are in "$latitude,$longitude" format.


match_all_query() :: map()

Use MatchAllQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: match_all_query()

Official document in Chinese | English

Link to this function

match_phrase_query(field_name, text)

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match_phrase_query(field_name(), text :: String.t()) :: map()

Use MatchPhraseQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Similar to MatchQuery, however, the location relationship of multiple terms after word segmentation will be considered, multiple terms after word segmentation must exist in the same order and location in the row data to be hit this query.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: match_phrase_query("content", "tablestore")
Link to this function

match_query(field_name, text, options \\ [])

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match_query(field_name(), text :: String.t(), options()) :: map()

Use MatchQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.


import MyApp.TableStore
search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: match_query("age", 28)

Official document in Chinese | English


  • :minimum_should_match, the minimum number of terms that the value of the fieldName field in a row contains when Table Store returns this row in the query result, by default it's 1.
  • :operator, the operator used in a logical operation, by default it's Or, it means that as long as several terms after the participle are partially hit, they are considered hit this query.
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nested_query(path, query, options \\ [])

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nested_query(path :: String.t(), query :: map() | Keyword.t(), options()) ::

Use NestedQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4, the target field need to be a nested type, it is used to query sub documents of nested type.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: nested_query(
      term_query("content.header", "header1")


  • :score_mode, available options have :none | :avg | :max | :total | :min, by default it's :none.
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prefix_query(field_name, prefix)

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prefix_query(field_name(), prefix :: String.t()) :: map()

Use PrefixQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: prefix_query("name", "n")
Link to this macro


View Source (macro)

Use RangeQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: range_query(1 <= "score" and "score" <= 10)


range_query("score" > 1)
range_query("score" >= 1)
range_query("score" < 10)
range_query("score" <= 10)
range_query(1 < "score" and "score" < 10)
range_query(1 <= "score" and "score" <= 10)
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range_query(field_name, options)

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range_query(field_name(), Range.t() | options()) :: map()

Use RangeQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: range_query(
      from: 60,
      to: 80,
      include_upper: false,
      include_lower: false

# or support Range

search "table", "index_name",

search_query: [
  query: range_query("score", 60..80)

# equal to

search "table", "index_name",

search_query: [
  query: range_query("score", from: 60, to: 80)


  • :from, the value of the start position.
  • :to, the value of the end position.
  • :include_lower, specifies whether to include the :from value in the result, available options are true | false, by default it's true.
  • :include_upper, specifies whether to include the :to value in the result, available options are true | false, by default it's true.
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term_query(field_name, term)

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term_query(field_name(), term :: String.t()) :: map()

Use TermQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: term_query("age", 28)
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terms_query(field_name, terms)

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terms_query(field_name(), terms :: list()) :: map()

Use TermsQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore
search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: terms_query("age", [28, 29, 30])
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wildcard_query(field_name, value)

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wildcard_query(field_name(), value :: String.t()) :: map()

Use WildcardQuery as the nested :query option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: wildcard_query("name", "n*")

Link to this section Sort

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field_sort(field_name, options \\ [])

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field_sort(field_name(), options()) :: map()

Sort by the value of a column, use it in the nested :sort option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    sort: [
      field_sort("field_a", order: :desc)

If there's a nested type of search index, and they are a integer or float list, we can use :mode to sort according to the minimum/maximum/average value of the list, by default it's :nil.

For example, there's a nested type as "values" field, the following query will find "values" field existed as matched rows, and sort by the minimum value of list items.


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: exists_query("values"),
    sort: [
      field_sort("values", mode: :min)

Still for nested type of search index, we can sort by the nested value via :nested_filter option, for example, sort by the value of "content.header" in :desc order.


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: nested_query(
    sort: [
        order: :desc,
        nested_filter: nested_filter(
          prefix_query("content.header", "header")

Please ensure that the query criteria matched will participate in sorting, if there exists any not matched case will lead to uncertainty of sorting results.


  • :mode, optional, available options are :min | :max | :avg, by default it's :nil;
  • :order, optional, available options are :asc | :desc, by default it's :asc;
  • :nested_filter, optional, see nested_filter/2 for details.
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geo_distance_sort(field_name, points, options)

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geo_distance_sort(field_name(), points :: list(), options()) :: map()

Geographic distance sorting, according to the sum of distances between to the input geographical points, sort by the minimum/maximum/average summation value.


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: geo_distance_query("location", 500_000, "5,5"),
    sort: [
      geo_distance_sort("location", ["5.14,5.21"], order: :asc)

The input points are a list of string, each format as "$latitude,$longitude".


  • :order, optional, available options are :asc | :desc;
  • :mode, optional, used for nested type field within integer or float, as :min will sort by the minimum value of items, as :max will sort by the maximum value of items, as :avg will sort by the average value of items, by default it's :nil;
  • :distance_type, optional, available options are :arc | :plane, as :arc means distance calculated by arc surface, as :plane means distance calculated by plane.
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nested_filter(path, filter)

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nested_filter(path :: String.t(), filter :: map()) :: map()

Use for the nested type field in field_sort/2 as :nested_filter option, the input filter is a Query to filter results.


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: nested_query(
    sort: [
        order: :desc,
        nested_filter: nested_filter(
          prefix_query("content.header", "header")

Please ensure that the query criteria matched will participate in sorting, if there exists any not matched case will lead to uncertainty of sorting results.


pk_sort(order()) :: map()

Sort by the primary key(s) of row, use it in the nested :sort option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Each search request use this sort by default.


score_sort(order()) :: map()

Sort by the relevance score to apply the full-text indexing properly, use it in the nested :sort option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts/search/4.

Link to this section Aggregation

Link to this function

agg_avg(aggregation_name, field_name, options \\ [])

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agg_avg(aggregation_name(), field_name(), options()) :: map()

Calculate the average value of the assigned field by aggregation in the nested :aggs option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    aggs: [
      agg_avg("agg_name", "score")

The aggregation_name can be any business description string, when get the calculated results, we need to use it to fetch them.


  • :missing, when the field is not existed in a row of data, if :missing is not set, the row will be ignored in statistics; if :missing is set, the row will use :missing value to participate in the statistics of average value, by default it's nil (not-set).
Link to this function

agg_count(aggregation_name, field_name)

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agg_count(aggregation_name(), field_name()) :: map()

Calculate the count of the assigned field by aggregation in the nested :aggs option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    aggs: [
      agg_sum("agg_name", "score")

The aggregation_name can be any business description string, when get the calculated results, we need to use it to fetch them.

If the field is not existed in a row of data, then this row does not participate in the statistics of count.

Link to this function

agg_distinct_count(aggregation_name, field_name, options \\ [])

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agg_distinct_count(aggregation_name(), field_name(), options()) :: map()

Calculate the distinct count of the assigned field by aggregation in the nested :aggs option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    aggs: [
      agg_distinct_count("agg_name", "score")

The aggregation_name can be any business description string, when get the calculated results, we need to use it to fetch them.


  • :missing, when the field is not existed in a row of data, if :missing is not set, the row will be ignored in statistics; if :missing is set, the row will use :missing value to participate in the statistics of distinct count, by default it's nil (not-set).
Link to this function

agg_max(aggregation_name, field_name, options \\ [])

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agg_max(aggregation_name(), field_name(), options()) :: map()

Calculate the maximum value of the assigned field by aggregation in the nested :aggs option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    aggs: [
      agg_max("agg_name", "score")

The aggregation_name can be any business description string, when get the calculated results, we need to use it to fetch them.


  • :missing, when the field is not existed in a row of data, if :missing is not set, the row will be ignored in statistics; if :missing is set, the row will use :missing value to participate in the statistics of maximum value, by default it's nil (not-set).
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agg_min(aggregation_name, field_name, options \\ [])

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agg_min(aggregation_name(), field_name(), options()) :: map()

Calculate the minimum value of the assigned field by aggregation in the nested :aggs option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    aggs: [
      agg_min("agg_name", "score")

The aggregation_name can be any business description string, when get the calculated results, we need to use it to fetch them.


  • :missing, when the field is not existed in a row of data, if :missing is not set, the row will be ignored in statistics; if :missing is set, the row will use :missing value to participate in the statistics of minimum value, by default it's nil (not-set).
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agg_sum(aggregation_name, field_name, options \\ [])

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agg_sum(aggregation_name(), field_name(), options()) :: map()

Calculate the summation of the assigned field by aggregation in the nested :aggs option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    aggs: [
      agg_sum("agg_name", "score")

The aggregation_name can be any business description string, when get the calculated results, we need to use it to fetch them.


  • :missing, when the field is not existed in a row of data, if :missing is not set, the row will be ignored in statistics; if :missing is set, the row will use :missing value to participate in the statistics of summation value, by default it's nil (not-set).

Link to this section GroupBy

Link to this function

group_by_field(group_name, field_name, options \\ [])

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group_by_field(group_name(), field_name(), options()) :: map()

The :group_bys results are grouped according to the value of a field, the same value will be put into a group, finally, the value of each group and the number corresponding to the value will be returned.

We can set it in the nested :group_bys option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    group_bys: [
      group_by_field("group_name", "type",
        size: 3,
        sub_group_bys: [
          group_by_field("sub_gn1", "is_actived")
        sort: [
      group_by_field("group_name2", "is_actived")

The group_name can be any business description string, when get the grouped results, we need to use it to fetch them.


  • :sort, optional, add sorting rules for items in a group, by default, sort in descending order according to the quantity of items in the group. Support group_key_sort/1 | row_count_sort/1 | sub_agg_sort/2 sort.
  • :size, optional, the number of returned groups.
  • :sub_group_bys, optional, add sub GroupBy type aggregations.
  • :sub_aggs, optional, add sub statistics.
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group_by_filter(group_name, filters, options \\ [])

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group_by_filter(group_name(), filters :: list(), options()) :: map()

On the query results, group by filters (they're Query usecase), and then get the number of matched filters, the order of the returned results is the same as that of the added filter(s).

We can set it in the nested :group_bys option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    group_bys: [
          term_query("is_actived", true),
          range_query("price", from: 50)


  • :sub_group_bys, optional, add sub GroupBy type aggregations.
  • :sub_aggs, optional, add sub statistics.
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group_by_geo_distance(group_name, field_name, ranges, options \\ [])

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group_by_geo_distance(group_name(), field_name(), ranges :: list(), options()) ::

The query results are grouped according to the range from a certain center Geo point, if the distance difference is within a certain range, it will be put into a group, and finally the number of corresponding items in each range will be returned.

We can set it in the nested :group_bys option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    group_bys: [
      group_by_geo_distance("test", "location",
          {0, 100_000},
          {100_000, 500_000},
          {500_000, 1000_000},
        lon: 0,
        lat: 0,
        sub_aggs: [
          agg_sum("test_sum", "value")


  • :lon, required, the longitude of the origin center point, integer or float.
  • :lat, required, the latitude of the origin center point, integer or float.
  • :sub_group_bys, optional, add sub GroupBy type aggregations.
  • :sub_aggs, optional, add sub statistics.
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group_by_range(group_name, field_name, ranges, options \\ [])

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group_by_range(group_name(), field_name(), ranges :: list(), options()) :: map()

The :group_bys results are grouped according to the range of a field, if the field value is within a range, it will be put into a group, finally, the number corresponding to the value will be returned.

We can set it in the nested :group_bys option of :search_query option in ExAliyunOts.search/4.

Official document in Chinese | English


import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    group_bys: [
      group_by_range("group_name", "price",
          {0, 18},
          {18, 50}
        sub_group_bys: [
          group_by_field("sorted_by_type", "type",
            sort: [
        sub_aggs: [
          agg_distinct_count("distinct_price", "price")

The group_name can be any business description string, when get the grouped results, we need to use it to fetch them.

Please notice that each range item(as a tuple, according to {from, to}) of ranges, its start is greater than or equal to from, and its ending is less than to, the range interval value can be integer or float.


  • :sub_group_bys, optional, add sub GroupBy type aggregations.
  • :sub_aggs, optional, add sub statistics.

Link to this section Define Field Schema

Link to this function

field_schema_boolean(field_name, options \\ [])

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field_schema_boolean(field_name(), options()) :: map()

Official document in Chinese | English




  • :index, specifies whether to set as index, by default it is true;
  • :enable_sort_and_agg, specifies whether to support sort and statistics, by default it is true;
  • :store, specifies whether to store the origin value in search index for a better read performance, by default it is true;
  • :is_array, specifies whether the stored data is a JSON encoded list as a string, e.g. "[false,true,false]".
Link to this function

field_schema_float(field_name, options \\ [])

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field_schema_float(field_name(), options()) :: map()

Official document in Chinese | English




  • :index, specifies whether to set as index, by default it is true;
  • :enable_sort_and_agg, specifies whether to support sort and statistics, by default it is true;
  • :store, specifies whether to store the origin value in search index for a better read performance, by default it is true;
  • :is_array, specifies whether the stored data is a JSON encoded list as a string, e.g. "[1.0,2.0]".
Link to this function

field_schema_geo_point(field_name, options \\ [])

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Official document in Chinese | English




  • :index, specifies whether to set as index, by default it is true;
  • :enable_sort_and_agg, specifies whether to support sort and statistics, by default it is true;
  • :store, specifies whether to store the origin value in search index for a better read performance, by default it is true;
  • :is_array, specifies whether the stored data is a JSON encoded list as a string, e.g. "["10.21,10","10.31,9.98"]".
Link to this function

field_schema_integer(field_name, options \\ [])

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field_schema_integer(field_name(), options()) :: map()

Official document in Chinese | English




  • :index, specifies whether to set as index, by default it is true;
  • :enable_sort_and_agg, specifies whether to support sort and statistics, by default it is true;
  • :store, specifies whether to store the origin value in search index for a better read performance, by default it is true;
  • :is_array, specifies whether the stored data is a JSON encoded list as a string, e.g. "[1,2]".
Link to this function

field_schema_keyword(field_name, options \\ [])

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Official document in Chinese | English




  • :index, specifies whether to set as index, by default it is true;
  • :enable_sort_and_agg, specifies whether to support sort and statistics, by default it is true;
  • :store, specifies whether to store the origin value in search index for a better read performance, by default it is true;
  • :is_array, specifies whether the stored data is a JSON encoded list as a string, e.g. "["a","b"]".
Link to this function

field_schema_nested(field_name, options \\ [])

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  field_schemas: [


  • :field_schemas, required, the nested field schema(s);
  • :index, specifies whether to set as index, by default it is true;
  • :store, specifies whether to store the origin value in search index for a better read performance, by default it is true;
  • :enable_sort_and_agg, specifies whether to support sort and statistics, by default it is true.
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field_schema_text(field_name, options \\ [])

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  • :index, specifies whether to set as index, by default it is true;
  • :store, specifies whether to store the origin value in search index for a better read performance, by default it is true;
  • :is_array, specifies whether the stored data is a JSON encoded list as a string, e.g. "["a","b"]".
  • :analyzer, optional, please see analyzer document in Chinese | English.
  • :analyzer_parameter, optional, please see analyzer document in Chinese | English.

Link to this section Sort in GroupByField


group_key_sort(order()) :: map()

Use in group_by_field/3 scenario, in ascending/descending order of field literal.

Official document in Chinese | English


In the following example, the returned results will be sorted in descending order of the "type" field:

import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    group_bys: [
        sub_group_bys: [
        sort: [


row_count_sort(order()) :: %ExAliyunOts.Var.Search.RowCountSort{order: term()}

Use in group_by_field/3 scenario, in ascending/descending order of row(s) count.

Official document in Chinese | English


In the following example, the returned results will be sorted in ascending order of the matched row(s):

import MyApp.TableStore

search "table", "index_name",
  search_query: [
    query: ...,
    group_bys: [
        sub_group_bys: [
        sort: [
Link to this function

sub_agg_sort(sub_agg_name, order)

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sub_agg_sort(sub_agg_name :: String.t(), order()) :: map()

Use in group_by_field/3 scenario, in ascending/descending order of the value from sub statistics.

Official document in Chinese | English

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

map_scan_options(var, options)

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