
You're seeing just the function get_range, go back to ExAliyunOts module for more information.
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get_range(instance, table_name, inclusive_start_primary_keys, exclusive_end_primary_keys, options \\ [])

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import MyApp.TableStore

get_range "table_name",
  [{"key1", 1}, {"key2", :inf_min}],
  [{"key1", 4}, {"key2", :inf_max}],
  direction: :forward

get_range "table_name",
  [{"key1", 1}, {"key2", :inf_min}],
  [{"key1", 4}, {"key2", :inf_max}],
  time_range: {1525922253224, 1525923253224},
  direction: :forward

get_range "table_name",
  [{"key1", 1}, {"key2", :inf_min}],
  [{"key1", 4}, {"key2", :inf_max}],
  time_range: 1525942123224,
  direction: :forward

Also, there is an alternative stream_range/5 to iteratively get range of rows in stream.


  • :direction, required, the order of fetch data, available options are :forward | :backward, by it is :forward.
    • :forward, this query is performed in the order of primary key in ascending, in this case, input inclusive_start_primary_keys should less than exclusive_end_primary_keys;
    • :backward, this query is performed in the order of primary key in descending, in this case, input inclusive_start_primary_keys should greater than exclusive_end_primary_keys.
  • :columns_to_get, optional, fetch the special fields, by default it returns all fields, pass a field list to specify the expected return fields, e.g. ["field1", "field2"].
  • :start_column, optional, specifies the start column when using for wide-row-read, the returned result contains this :start_column.
  • :end_column, optional, specifies the end column when using for wide-row-read, the returned result does not contain this :end_column.
  • :filter, optional, filter the return results in the server side, please see filter/1 for details.
  • :max_versions, optional, how many versions need to return in results, by default it is 1.
  • :transaction_id, optional, read operation within local transaction.
  • :limit, optional, the maximum number of rows of data to be returned, this value must be greater than 0, whether this option is set or not, there returns a maximum of 5,000 data rows and the total data size never exceeds 4 MB.
  • :time_range, optional, read data by timestamp range, support two ways to use it:
    • time_range: {start_timestamp, end_timestamp}, the timestamp in the range (include start_timestamp but exclude end_timestamp) and then will return in the results.
    • time_range: special_timestamp, exactly match and then will return in the results.
    • :time_range and :max_versions are mutually exclusive, by default use max_versions: 1 and time_range: nil.