ExAudit.Repo behaviour (ex_audit v0.10.0) View Source

Adds ExAudit version tracking to your Ecto.Repo actions. The following functions are extended to detect if the given struct or changeset is in the list of :tracked_schemas given in :ex_audit config:

insert: 2, update: 2, insert_or_update: 2, delete: 2, insert!: 2, update!: 2, insert_or_update!: 2, delete!: 2

If the given struct or changeset is not tracked then the original function from Ecto.Repo is executed, i.e., the functions are marked as overridable and the overrided implementations call Kernel.super/1 when the given struct or changeset is not tracked.

How to use it.

Just use ExAudit.Repo after Ecto.Repo

  defmodule MyApp.Repo do
    use Ecto.Repo,
      otp_app: :my_app,
      adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres

    use ExAudit.Repo

Shared options

All normal Ecto.Repo options will work the same, however, there are additional options specific to ex_audit:

  • :ex_audit_custom - Keyword list of custom data that should be placed in new version entries. Entries in this list overwrite data with the same keys from the ExAudit.track call
  • :ignore_audit - If true, ex_audit will not track changes made to entities

Link to this section Summary


Gathers the version history for the given struct, ordered by the time the changes happened from newest to oldest.

Returns a query that gathers the version history for the given struct, ordered by the time the changes happened from newest to oldest.

Undoes the changes made in the given version, as well as all of the following versions. Inserts a new version entry in the process, with the :rollback flag set to true

Link to this section Callbacks


  opts :: list()
) :: [version :: struct()]

Gathers the version history for the given struct, ordered by the time the changes happened from newest to oldest.


  • :render_struct if true, renders the resulting struct of the patch for every version in its history. This will shift the ids of the versions one down, so visualisations are correct and corresponding "Revert" buttons revert the struct back to the visualized state. Will append an additional version that contains the oldest ID and the oldest struct known. In most cases, the original will be nil which means if this version would be reverted, the struct would be deleted. false by default.


history_query(struct()) :: Ecto.Query.t()

Returns a query that gathers the version history for the given struct, ordered by the time the changes happened from newest to oldest.


revert(version :: struct(), opts :: list()) ::
  {:ok, struct()} | {:error, changeset :: Ecto.Changeset.t()}

Undoes the changes made in the given version, as well as all of the following versions. Inserts a new version entry in the process, with the :rollback flag set to true


  • :preload if your changeset depends on assocs being preloaded on the struct before updating it, you can define a list of assocs to be preloaded with this option