Cldr v1.5.1 Cldr.Config View Source
Provides the functions to manage the Cldr
Locales are configured for use in Cldr
by either
specifying them directly or by using a configured
Locales are configured in config.exs
(or any included config).
For example the following will configure English and French as
the available locales. Note that only locales that are contained
within the CLDR repository will be available for use. There
are currently 516 locales defined in CLDR version 31.0.0.
config :ex_cldr,
locales: ["en", "fr"]
Working with Gettext
It’s also possible to use the locales from a Gettext configuration:
config :ex_cldr,
locales: ["en", "fr"]
gettext: App.Gettext
In which case the combination of locales “en”, “fr” and whatever is configured for App.Gettext will be generated.
Locale wildcards
Locales can also be configured by using a regex
which is most
useful when dealing with locales that have many regional variants
like English (over 100!) and French. For example:
config :ex_cldr,
locales: ["fr-*", "en-[A-Z]+"]
will configure all French locales and all English locales that have
alphabetic regional variants. The expansion is made using
so any valid regex can be used.
Configuring all locales
As a special case, all locales in CLDR can be configured
by using the keyword :all
. For example:
config :ex_cldr,
locales: :all
Configuring all locales is not recommended*. Doing so imposes a significant compilation load as many functions are created at compmile time for each locale.
The Cldr
test configuration does configure all locales in order
to ensure good test coverage. This is done at the expense
of significant compile time.
Precompiling configured number formats
If your application heavily relies on one or more particular user-defined number formats then there is a performance benefit to having them precompiled when your app is compiled (up to double the performance).
To define the formats to be precompiled specify them in your config file with
the key compile_number_formats
For example:
config :ex_cldr,
compile_number_formats: ["¤¤#,##0.##"]
Storage location for the locale definiton files
Locale files are downloaded and installed at compile time based upon the
configuration. These files are only used at compile time, they contain
the json
representation of the locale data.
By default the locale files are stored in ./priv/cldr/locales
The locale of the locales can be changed in the configuration with the
key. For example:
config :ex_cldr,
locales: ["en", "fr"]
data_dir: "/apps/data/cldr"
The directory will be created if it does not exist and an exception will be raised if the directory cannot be created.
Link to this section Summary
Returns the map of aliases for languages, scripts and regions
Returns the map of language tags for all available locales
Returns a list of all locales in the CLDR repository
Return the configured json lib
Returns the data that defines start and end of calendar epochs
Returns the calendars available for a given locale name
Returns the path of the CLDR data directory for the ex_cldr app
Return the root path of the cldr application
Return the path name of the CLDR data directory for a client application
Returns the directory where the CLDR locales files are located
Returns a list of all locales configured in the config.exs
Returns the data that defines time periods of a day for a language
Return the default locale
Returns the directory where the downloaded CLDR repository files are stored
Expands wildcards in locale names
Read the locale json, decode it and make any necessary transformations
Get the configured number formats that should be precompiled at application compilation time
Return a list of the locales defined in Gettext
Returns a list of strings representing the calendars known to Cldr
Returns a list of the currencies known in Cldr
upcased atom format
Returns a list of all locales that are configured and available in the CLDR repository
Returns a list of strings representing the number systems known to Cldr
Returns a list of atoms representing the territories known to Cldr
Return the saved language tag for the given locale name
Returns the likely subtags map which maps a locale string to %LaguageTag{} representing the likely subtags for that locale string
Returns the filename that contains the json representation of a locale
Transforms a locale name from the Posix format to the Cldr format
Transforms a locale name from the CLDR format to the Posix format
Returns the location of the json data for a locale or nil
if the locale can’t be found
Returns a list of all configured locales
Identifies the top level keys in the consolidated locale file
Return the directory where Cldr
stores its source core data, This
directory should not be expected to be available other than when developing
Cldr since it points to a source directory
Returns a map of territory containments
Returns a map of territory info for all territories known to CLDR
Get territory info for a specific territory
Returns a list of all locales that are configured but not available in the CLDR repository
Returns the version string of the CLDR data repository
Returns the data that defines start and end of calendar weeks, weekends and years
Link to this section Types
Link to this section Functions
Returns the map of aliases for languages, scripts and regions
Returns the map of language tags for all available locales
all_locale_names() :: [Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), ...]
Returns a list of all locales in the CLDR repository.
Returns a list of the complete locales list in CLDR, irrespective of whether they are configured for use in the application.
Any configured locales that are not present in this list will raise an exception at compile time.
Return the configured json lib
Returns the data that defines start and end of calendar epochs.
iex> Cldr.Config.calendar_info |> Map.get(:gregorian)
%{calendar_system: "solar", eras: %{0 => %{end: 0}, 1 => %{start: 1}}}
Returns the calendars available for a given locale name
iex> Cldr.Config.calendars_for_locale "en"
[:buddhist, :chinese, :coptic, :dangi, :ethiopic, :ethiopic_amete_alem,
:generic, :gregorian, :hebrew, :indian, :islamic, :islamic_civil,
:islamic_rgsa, :islamic_tbla, :islamic_umalqura, :japanese, :persian, :roc]
Returns the path of the CLDR data directory for the ex_cldr app
Return the root path of the cldr application
Return the path name of the CLDR data directory for a client application.
Returns the directory where the CLDR locales files are located.
configured_locale_names() :: [Cldr.Locale.locale_name()]
Returns a list of all locales configured in the config.exs
In order of priority return either:
The list of locales configured configured in mix.exs if any
The default locale
If the configured locales is :all
then all locales
in CLDR are configured.
The locale “root” is always added to the list of configured locales since it is required to support some RBNF functions.
The use of :all
is not recommended since all 523 locales take
quite some time (minutes) to compile. It is however
helpful for testing Cldr.
Returns the data that defines time periods of a day for a language.
Time period rules are used to define the meaning of “morning”, “evening”, “noon”, “midnight” and potentially other periods on a per-language basis.
iex> Cldr.Config.day_period_info |> Map.get("fr")
%{"afternoon1" => %{"before" => [18, 0], "from" => [12, 0]},
"evening1" => %{"before" => [24, 0], "from" => [18, 0]},
"midnight" => %{"at" => [0, 0]},
"morning1" => %{"before" => [12, 0], "from" => [4, 0]},
"night1" => %{"before" => [4, 0], "from" => [0, 0]},
"noon" => %{"at" => [12, 0]}}
Return the default locale.
In order of priority return either:
- The default locale specified in the
file - The
for the current configuration - “en”
Returns the directory where the downloaded CLDR repository files are stored.
expand_locale_names([Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), ...]) :: [ Cldr.Locale.locale_name(), ... ]
Expands wildcards in locale names.
Locales often have region variants (for example en-AU is one of 104 variants in CLDR). To make it easier to configure a language and all its variants, a locale can be specified as a regex which will then do a match against all CLDR locales.
For locale names that have a Script or Vairant component the base language is also configured since plural rules will fall back to the language for these locale names.
iex> Cldr.Config.expand_locale_names(["en-A+"])
["en", "en-AG", "en-AI", "en-AS", "en-AT", "en-AU"]
iex> Cldr.Config.expand_locale_names(["fr-*"])
["fr", "fr-BE", "fr-BF", "fr-BI", "fr-BJ", "fr-BL", "fr-CA", "fr-CD", "fr-CF",
"fr-CG", "fr-CH", "fr-CI", "fr-CM", "fr-DJ", "fr-DZ", "fr-GA", "fr-GF",
"fr-GN", "fr-GP", "fr-GQ", "fr-HT", "fr-KM", "fr-LU", "fr-MA", "fr-MC",
"fr-MF", "fr-MG", "fr-ML", "fr-MQ", "fr-MR", "fr-MU", "fr-NC", "fr-NE",
"fr-PF", "fr-PM", "fr-RE", "fr-RW", "fr-SC", "fr-SN", "fr-SY", "fr-TD",
"fr-TG", "fr-TN", "fr-VU", "fr-WF", "fr-YT"]
Read the locale json, decode it and make any necessary transformations.
This is the only place that we read the locale and we only read it once. All other uses of locale data are references to this data.
Additionally the intention is that this is read only at compile time and used to construct accessor functions in other modules so that during production run there is no file access or decoding.
Get the configured number formats that should be precompiled at application compilation time.
iex> Cldr.Config.get_precompile_number_formats
Return the configured Gettext
module name or nil
Returns true if a Gettext
module is configured in Cldr and
the Gettext
module is available.
iex> Cldr.Config.gettext_configured?
gettext_locales() :: [Cldr.Locale.locale_name()]
Return a list of the locales defined in Gettext
Return a list of locales configured in Gettext
if Gettext
is not configured.
Returns a list of strings representing the calendars known to Cldr
iex> Cldr.Config.known_calendars
[:buddhist, :chinese, :coptic, :dangi, :ethiopic, :ethiopic_amete_alem,
:gregorian, :hebrew, :indian, :islamic, :islamic_civil, :islamic_rgsa,
:islamic_tbla, :islamic_umalqura, :japanese, :persian, :roc]
Returns a list of the currencies known in Cldr
upcased atom format.
iex> Cldr.Config.known_currencies
[:XBB, :XEU, :SKK, :AUD, :CZK, :ISJ, :BRC, :IDR, :UYP, :VEF, :UAH, :KMF, :NGN,
known_locale_names() :: [Cldr.Locale.locale_name()]
Returns a list of all locales that are configured and available in the CLDR repository.
Returns a list of strings representing the number systems known to Cldr
iex> Cldr.Config.known_number_systems
[:adlm, :ahom, :arab, :arabext, :armn, :armnlow, :bali, :beng, :bhks, :brah,
:cakm, :cham, :cyrl, :deva, :ethi, :fullwide, :geor, :gonm, :grek, :greklow,
:gujr, :guru, :hanidays, :hanidec, :hans, :hansfin, :hant, :hantfin, :hebr,
:hmng, :java, :jpan, :jpanfin, :kali, :khmr, :knda, :lana, :lanatham, :laoo,
:latn, :lepc, :limb, :mathbold, :mathdbl, :mathmono, :mathsanb, :mathsans,
:mlym, :modi, :mong, :mroo, :mtei, :mymr, :mymrshan, :mymrtlng, :newa, :nkoo,
:olck, :orya, :osma, :roman, :romanlow, :saur, :shrd, :sind, :sinh, :sora,
:sund, :takr, :talu, :taml, :tamldec, :telu, :thai, :tibt, :tirh, :vaii, :wara]
Returns a list of atoms representing the territories known to Cldr
iex> Cldr.Config.known_territories
[:"001", :"002", :"003", :"005", :"009", :"011", :"013", :"014", :"015", :"017",
:"018", :"019", :"021", :"029", :"030", :"034", :"035", :"039", :"053", :"054",
:"057", :"061", :"142", :"143", :"145", :"150", :"151", :"154", :"155", :"202",
:"419", :AC, :AD, :AE, :AF, :AG, :AI, :AL, :AM, :AO, :AQ, :AR, :AS, :AT, :AU,
:AW, :AX, :AZ, :BA, :BB, :BD, :BE, :BF, :BG, :BH, :BI, :BJ, :BL, :BM, :BN, :BO,
:BQ, :BR, :BS, :BT, :BV, :BW, :BY, :BZ, :CA, :CC, :CD, :CF, :CG, :CH, :CI, :CK,
:CL, :CM, :CN, :CO, :CP, :CR, :CU, :CV, :CW, :CX, :CY, :CZ, :DE, :DG, :DJ, :DK,
:DM, :DO, :DZ, :EA, :EC, :EE, :EG, :EH, :ER, :ES, :ET, :EU, :EZ, :FI, :FJ, :FK,
:FM, :FO, :FR, :GA, :GB, :GD, :GE, :GF, :GG, :GH, :GI, :GL, :GM, :GN, :GP, :GQ,
:GR, :GS, :GT, :GU, :GW, :GY, :HK, :HM, :HN, :HR, :HT, :HU, :IC, :ID, :IE, :IL,
:IM, :IN, :IO, :IQ, :IR, :IS, :IT, :JE, :JM, :JO, :JP, :KE, :KG, :KH, :KI, :KM,
:KN, :KP, :KR, :KW, :KY, :KZ, :LA, :LB, :LC, :LI, :LK, :LR, :LS, :LT, :LU, :LV,
:LY, :MA, :MC, :MD, :ME, :MF, :MG, :MH, :MK, :ML, :MM, :MN, :MO, :MP, :MQ, :MR,
:MS, :MT, :MU, :MV, :MW, :MX, :MY, :MZ, :NA, :NC, :NE, :NF, :NG, :NI, :NL, :NO,
:NP, :NR, :NU, :NZ, :OM, :PA, :PE, :PF, :PG, :PH, :PK, :PL, :PM, :PN, :PR, :PS,
:PT, :PW, :PY, :QA, :QO, :RE, :RO, :RS, :RU, :RW, :SA, :SB, :SC, :SD, :SE, :SG,
:SH, :SI, :SJ, :SK, :SL, :SM, :SN, :SO, :SR, :SS, :ST, :SV, :SX, :SY, :SZ, :TA,
:TC, :TD, :TF, :TG, :TH, :TJ, :TK, :TL, :TM, :TN, :TO, :TR, :TT, :TV, :TW, :TZ,
:UA, :UG, :UM, :UN, :US, :UY, :UZ, :VA, :VC, :VE, :VG, :VI, :VN, :VU, :WF, :WS,
:XK, :YE, :YT, :ZA, :ZM, :ZW]
Return the saved language tag for the given locale name
Returns the likely subtags map which maps a locale string to %LaguageTag{} representing the likely subtags for that locale string
Returns the filename that contains the json representation of a locale
Transforms a locale name from the Posix format to the Cldr format
Transforms a locale name from the CLDR format to the Posix format
Returns the location of the json data for a locale or nil
if the locale can’t be found.
is any locale returned fromCldr.known_locale_names()
requested_locale_names() :: [Cldr.Locale.locale_name()]
Returns a list of all configured locales.
The list contains locales configured both in Gettext
specified in the mix.exs configuration file as well as the
default locale.
Identifies the top level keys in the consolidated locale file.
These keys represent difference dimensions of content in the CLDR repository and serve three purposes:
To structure the content in the locale file
To provide a rudimentary way to validate that some json represents a valid locale file
To all conditional inclusion of CLDR content at compile time to help manage memory footprint. This capability is not yet built into
Return the directory where Cldr
stores its source core data, This
directory should not be expected to be available other than when developing
Cldr since it points to a source directory.
Returns a map of territory containments
Returns a map of territory info for all territories known to CLDR.
The territory information is independent of the
iex> Cldr.Config.territory_info[:GB]
currency: [GBP: %{from: ~D[1694-07-27]}],
gdp: 2788000000000,
language_population: %{
"bn" => %{population_percent: 0.67},
"cy" => %{
official_status: "official_regional",
population_percent: 0.77
"de" => %{population_percent: 6},
"el" => %{population_percent: 0.34},
"en" => %{official_status: "official", population_percent: 99},
"fr" => %{population_percent: 19},
"ga" => %{
official_status: "official_regional",
population_percent: 0.026
"gd" => %{
official_status: "official_regional",
population_percent: 0.099,
writing_percent: 5
"it" => %{population_percent: 0.34},
"ks" => %{population_percent: 0.19},
"kw" => %{population_percent: 0.0031},
"ml" => %{population_percent: 0.035},
"pa" => %{population_percent: 0.79},
"sco" => %{population_percent: 2.7, writing_percent: 5},
"syl" => %{population_percent: 0.51},
"yi" => %{population_percent: 0.049},
"zh-Hant" => %{population_percent: 0.54}
literacy_percent: 99,
measurement_system: "UK",
paper_size: "A4",
population: 64769500,
telephone_country_code: 44,
temperature_measurement: "metric"
territory_info(String.t() | atom() | Cldr.LanguageTag.t()) :: %{} | {:error, {Exception.t(), String.t()}}
Get territory info for a specific territory.
is a string, atom or language_tag representation of a territory code in the list returned byCldr.known_territories
- A map of the territory information or
{:error, reason}
iex> Cldr.Config.territory_info "au"
currency: [AUD: %{from: ~D[1966-02-14]}],
gdp: 1189000000000,
language_population: %{
"en" => %{
official_status: "de_facto_official",
population_percent: 96
"it" => %{population_percent: 1.9},
"wbp" => %{population_percent: 0.011},
"zh-Hant" => %{population_percent: 2.1}
literacy_percent: 99,
measurement_system: "metric",
paper_size: "A4",
population: 23232400,
telephone_country_code: 61,
temperature_measurement: "metric"
iex> Cldr.Config.territory_info "abc"
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownTerritoryError, "The territory \"abc\" is unknown"}}
unknown_locale_names() :: [Cldr.Locale.locale_name()]
Returns a list of all locales that are configured but not available in the CLDR repository.
Returns the version string of the CLDR data repository
Returns the data that defines start and end of calendar weeks, weekends and years