View Source Cldr.Calendar.Duration (Cldr Calendars v1.23.0)

Functions to create and format a difference between two dates, times or datetimes.

The difference between two dates (or times or datetimes) is usually defined in terms of days or seconds.

A duration is calculated as the difference in time in calendar units: years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds.

This is useful to support formatting a string for users in easy-to-understand terms. For example 11 months, 3 days and 4 minutes is a lot easier to understand than 28771440 seconds.

The package ex_cldr_units can be optionally configured to provide localized formatting of durations.

If configured, the following providers should be configured in the appropriate CLDR backend module. For example:

defmodule MyApp.Cldr do
  use Cldr,
    locales: ["en", "ja"],
    providers: [Cldr.Calendar, Cldr.Number, Cldr.Unit, Cldr.List]



A date, time, naivedatetime or datetime

A interval as either Date.Range.t() CalendarInterval.t()


Duration in calendar units


Calculates the calendar difference in a Date.Range or CalendarInterval returning a Duration struct.

Calculates the calendar difference between two dates returning a Duration struct.

Calculates the calendar difference in a Date.Range or CalendarInterval returning a Duration struct.

Calculates the calendar difference between two dates returning a Duration struct.

Returns a string formatted representation of a duration.

Formats a duration as a string or raises an exception on error.


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@type date_or_time_or_datetime() ::
  | Calendar.time()
  | Calendar.datetime()
  | Calendar.naive_datetime()

A date, time, naivedatetime or datetime

@type interval() :: Date.Range.t() | CalendarInterval.t()

A interval as either Date.Range.t() CalendarInterval.t()

@type t() :: %Cldr.Calendar.Duration{
  day: non_neg_integer(),
  hour: non_neg_integer(),
  microsecond: non_neg_integer(),
  minute: non_neg_integer(),
  month: non_neg_integer(),
  second: non_neg_integer(),
  year: non_neg_integer()

Duration in calendar units


@spec new(interval()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Calculates the calendar difference in a Date.Range or CalendarInterval returning a Duration struct.

The difference calculated is in terms of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds.


  • interval is either Date.Range.t() or a CalendarInterval.t()


  • A {:ok, duration} tuple or a

  • {:error, {exception, reason}} tuple



iex>[2019-01-01], ~D[2019-12-31]))
   year: 0,
   month: 11,
   day: 30,
   hour: 0,
   microsecond: 0,
   minute: 0,
   second: 0
@spec new(from :: date_or_time_or_datetime(), to :: date_or_time_or_datetime()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Calculates the calendar difference between two dates returning a Duration struct.

The difference calculated is in terms of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds.


  • from is a date, time or datetime representing the start of the duration.

  • to is a date, time or datetime representing the end of the duration


  • from must be before or at the same time as to. In addition, both from and to must be in the same calendar

  • If from and to are datetimes then they must both be in the same time zone


  • A {:ok, duration} tuple or a

  • {:error, {exception, reason}} tuple


iex>[2019-01-01], ~D[2019-12-31])
   year: 0,
   month: 11,
   day: 30,
   hour: 0,
   microsecond: 0,
   minute: 0,
   second: 0
@spec new!(interval()) :: t() | no_return()

Calculates the calendar difference in a Date.Range or CalendarInterval returning a Duration struct.

The difference calculated is in terms of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds.


  • interval is either Date.Range.t() or a CalendarInterval.t()


  • A duration struct or

  • raises an exception



iex>!(Date.range(~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2019-12-31]))
  year: 0,
  month: 11,
  day: 30,
  hour: 0,
  microsecond: 0,
  minute: 0,
  second: 0
@spec new!(from :: date_or_time_or_datetime(), to :: date_or_time_or_datetime()) ::
  t() | no_return()

Calculates the calendar difference between two dates returning a Duration struct.

The difference calculated is in terms of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds.


  • from is a date, time or datetime representing the start of the duration

  • to is a date, time or datetime representing the end of the duration

Note that from must be before or at the same time as to. In addition, both from and to must be in the same calendar.


  • A duration struct or

  • raises an exception


iex>!(~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2019-12-31])
  year: 0,
  month: 11,
  day: 30,
  hour: 0,
  microsecond: 0,
  minute: 0,
  second: 0
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to_string(duration, options \\ [])

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Returns a string formatted representation of a duration.

Note that time units that are zero are omitted from the output.

Formatting is



Any other options are passed to Cldr.Number.to_string/3 and Cldr.Unit.to_string/3 during the formatting process.


  • Any duration parts that are 0 are not output.


iex> {:ok, duration} =[2019-01-01], ~D[2019-12-31])
iex> Cldr.Calendar.Duration.to_string(duration)
{:ok, "11 months and 30 days"}
Link to this function

to_string!(duration, options \\ [])

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@spec to_string!(t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | no_return()

Formats a duration as a string or raises an exception on error.



See Cldr.Calendar.Duration.to_string/2


  • A formatted string or

  • raises an exception