View Source Cldr.Number.Formatter.Short (Cldr Numbers v2.30.1)

Formats a number according to the locale-specific :short formats

This is best explained by some examples:

iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 123, TestBackend.Cldr, format: :short
{:ok, "123"}

iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 1234, TestBackend.Cldr, format: :short
{:ok, "1K"}

iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 523456789, TestBackend.Cldr, format: :short
{:ok, "523M"}

iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 7234567890, TestBackend.Cldr, format: :short
{:ok, "7B"}

iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 7234567890, TestBackend.Cldr, format: :long
{:ok, "7 billion"}

These formats are compact representations however they do lose precision in the presentation in favour of human readability.

Note that for a :currency short format the number of decimal places is retrieved from the currency definition itself. You can see the difference in the following examples:

iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 1234, TestBackend.Cldr, format: :short, currency: "EUR"
{:ok, "€1K"}

iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 1234, TestBackend.Cldr, format: :short, currency: "EUR", fractional_digits: 2
{:ok, "€1.23K"}

iex> Cldr.Number.to_string 1234, TestBackend.Cldr, format: :short, currency: "JPY"
{:ok, "¥1K"}

This module is not part of the public API and is subject to change at any time.

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Returns the exponent that will be applied when formatting the given number as a short format.

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short_format_exponent(number, options \\ [])

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Returns the exponent that will be applied when formatting the given number as a short format.

This function is primarily intended to support pluralization for compact numbers (numbers formatted with the format: :short option) since some languages pluralize compact numbers differently to a fully expressed number.

Such rules are defined for the locale "fr" from CLDR version 38 with the intention that additional rules will be added in later versions.



iex> Cldr.Number.Formatter.Short.short_format_exponent 1234
{1000, 1}

iex> Cldr.Number.Formatter.Short.short_format_exponent 12345
{10000, 2}

iex> Cldr.Number.Formatter.Short.short_format_exponent 123456789
{100000000, 3}

iex> Cldr.Number.Formatter.Short.short_format_exponent 123456789, locale: "th"
{100000000, 3}
Link to this function

to_string(number, style, backend, options)

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@spec to_string(
) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}