View Source Cldr.Routes.LocalizedHelpers (Cldr Routes v1.3.0)

Generates a module that implements localised helpers.

It introspects the generated helpers module and creates a wrapper function that translates (at compile time) the path segments.



For a given set of routes, define a LocalizedHelpers module that implements localized helpers.

Generates HTML link tags for a given map of locale => URLs


@type locale_name() :: String.t()
@type url() :: String.t()


Link to this function

define(env, routes, opts \\ [])

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For a given set of routes, define a LocalizedHelpers module that implements localized helpers.

Link to this function


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@spec hreflang_links(%{required(locale_name()) => url()}) ::

Generates HTML link tags for a given map of locale => URLs

This function generates <link ... /> tags that should be placed in the <head> section of an HTML document to indicate the different language versions of a given page.

The MyApp.Router.LocalizedHelpers.<helper>_link functions can generate the required mapping from locale to URL for a given helper. These _link helpers take the same arguments as the _path and _url helpers.

If the helper refers to a route that is not localized then an empty string will be returned since there are no alternative localizations of this route.



iex> links = %{
...>   "en" => "https://localhost/users/1",
...>   "fr" => "https://localhost/utilisateurs/1"
...>  }
iex> Cldr.Routes.LocalizedHelpers.hreflang_links(links)
    [60, "link", [32, "href", 61, 34, "https://localhost/users/1", 34, 32, "hreflang", 61, 34, "en", 34, 32, "rel", 61, 34, "alternate", 34], 62],
    [60, "link", [32, "href", 61, 34, "https://localhost/utilisateurs/1", 34, 32, "hreflang", 61, 34, "fr", 34, 32, "rel", 61, 34, "alternate", 34], 62]

iex> Cldr.Routes.LocalizedHelpers.hreflang_links(nil)
{:safe, []}

iex> Cldr.Routes.LocalizedHelpers.hreflang_links(%{})
{:safe, []}