Cldr.Unit.Format (Cldr Units v3.5.3) View Source

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Traverses the components of a unit and resolves a list of base units with their gramatical case and plural selector definitions for a given locale.

Formats a number into an iolist according to a unit definition for the current process's locale and backend.

Formats a number into an iolist according to a unit definition for a locale.

Formats a number into an iolist according to a unit definition for the current process's locale and backend.

Formats a unit using to_iolist/3 but raises if there is an error.

Formats a number into a string according to a unit definition for the current process's locale and backend.

Formats a number into a string according to a unit definition for a locale.

Formats a number into a string according to a unit definition for the current process's locale and backend or raises on error.

Formats a number into a string according to a unit definition for the current process's locale and backend or raises on error.

Traverses a unit's decomposition and invokes a function on each node of the composition tree.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

grammar(unit, options \\ [])

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grammar(Cldr.Unit.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  grammar_list() | {grammar_list(), grammar_list()}

Traverses the components of a unit and resolves a list of base units with their gramatical case and plural selector definitions for a given locale.

This function relies upon the internal representation of units and grammatical features and is primarily for the support of formatting a function through Cldr.Unit.to_string/2.


  • unit is a t:Cldr.Unit or a binary unit string





to_iolist(list_or_number :: Cldr.Unit.value() | Cldr.Unit.t() | [Cldr.Unit.t()]) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {atom(), binary()}}

Formats a number into an iolist according to a unit definition for the current process's locale and backend.

The curent process's locale is set with Cldr.put_locale/1.

See Cldr.Unit.Format.to_iolist/3 for full details.

Link to this function

to_iolist(unit, backend, options \\ [])

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Formats a number into an iolist according to a unit definition for a locale.


  • list_or_number is any number (integer, float or Decimal) or a t:Cldr.Unit struct or a list of t:Cldr.Unit structs

  • options is a keyword list


  • :unit is any unit returned by Cldr.Unit.known_units/0. Ignored if the number to be formatted is a t:Cldr.Unit struct

  • :locale is any valid locale name returned by Cldr.known_locale_names/0 or a Cldr.LanguageTag struct. The default is Cldr.get_locale/0

  • :style is one of those returned by Cldr.Unit.available_styles. The current styles are :long, :short and :narrow. The default is style: :long

  • :grammatical_case indicates that a localisation for the given locale and given grammatical case should be used. See Cldr.Unit.known_grammatical_cases/0 for the list of known grammatical cases. Note that not all locales define all cases. However all locales do define the :nominative case, which is also the default.

  • :gender indicates that a localisation for the given locale and given grammatical gender should be used. See Cldr.Unit.known_grammatical_genders/0 for the list of known grammatical genders. Note that not all locales define all genders.

  • :list_options is a keyword list of options for formatting a list which is passed through to Cldr.List.to_string/3. This is only applicable when formatting a list of units.

  • Any other options are passed to Cldr.Number.to_string/2 which is used to format the number


  • {:ok, io_list} or

  • {:error, {exception, message}}


iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_iolist!(:gallon, 123)
{:ok, ["123", " gallons"]}


to_iolist!(Cldr.Unit.value() | Cldr.Unit.t() | [Cldr.Unit.t(), ...]) ::
  list() | no_return()

Formats a number into an iolist according to a unit definition for the current process's locale and backend.

The curent process's locale is set with Cldr.put_locale/1.

See Cldr.Unit.Format.to_iolist!/3 for full details.

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to_iolist!(number, backend, options \\ [])

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Formats a unit using to_iolist/3 but raises if there is an error.


  • list_or_number is any number (integer, float or Decimal) or a t:Cldr.Unit struct or a list of t:Cldr.Unit structs

  • options is a keyword list


  • :unit is any unit returned by Cldr.Unit.known_units/0. Ignored if the number to be formatted is a t:Cldr.Unit struct

  • :locale is any valid locale name returned by Cldr.known_locale_names/0 or a Cldr.LanguageTag struct. The default is Cldr.get_locale/0

  • :style is one of those returned by Cldr.Unit.known_styles/0. The current styles are :long, :short and :narrow. The default is style: :long.

  • :grammatical_case indicates that a localisation for the given locale and given grammatical case should be used. See Cldr.Unit.known_grammatical_cases/0 for the list of known grammatical cases. Note that not all locales define all cases. However all locales do define the :nominative case, which is also the default.

  • :gender indicates that a localisation for the given locale and given grammatical gender should be used. See Cldr.Unit.known_grammatical_genders/0 for the list of known grammatical genders. Note that not all locales define all genders.

  • :list_options is a keyword list of options for formatting a list which is passed through to Cldr.List.to_string/3. This is only applicable when formatting a list of units.

  • Any other options are passed to Cldr.Number.to_string/2 which is used to format the number


  • io_list or

  • raises an exception


iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_iolist! 123, unit: :gallon
["123", " gallons"]


to_string(list_or_number :: Cldr.Unit.value() | Cldr.Unit.t() | [Cldr.Unit.t()]) ::
  {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {atom(), binary()}}

Formats a number into a string according to a unit definition for the current process's locale and backend.

The curent process's locale is set with Cldr.put_locale/1.

See Cldr.Unit.to_string/3 for full details.

Link to this function

to_string(list_or_unit, backend, options \\ [])

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  Cldr.Unit.value() | Cldr.Unit.t() | [Cldr.Unit.t()],
  Cldr.backend() | Keyword.t(),
) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {atom(), binary()}}

Formats a number into a string according to a unit definition for a locale.

During processing any :format_options of a Unit.t() are merged with options with options taking precedence.


  • list_or_number is any number (integer, float or Decimal) or a t:Cldr.Unit struct or a list of t:Cldr.Unit structs

  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module. The default is Cldr.default_backend!/0.

  • options is a keyword list of options.


  • :unit is any unit returned by Cldr.Unit.known_units/0. Ignored if the number to be formatted is a t:Cldr.Unit struct

  • :locale is any valid locale name returned by Cldr.known_locale_names/1 or a Cldr.LanguageTag struct. The default is Cldr.get_locale/0

  • style is one of those returned by Cldr.Unit.known_styles/0. The current styles are :long, :short and :narrow. The default is style: :long

  • :grammatical_case indicates that a localisation for the given locale and given grammatical case should be used. See Cldr.Unit.known_grammatical_cases/0 for the list of known grammatical cases. Note that not all locales define all cases. However all locales do define the :nominative case, which is also the default.

  • :gender indicates that a localisation for the given locale and given grammatical gender should be used. See Cldr.Unit.known_grammatical_genders/0 for the list of known grammatical genders. Note that not all locales define all genders.

  • :list_options is a keyword list of options for formatting a list which is passed through to Cldr.List.to_string/3. This is only applicable when formatting a list of units.

  • Any other options are passed to Cldr.Number.to_string/2 which is used to format the number


  • {:ok, formatted_string} or

  • {:error, {exception, message}}


iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string!(:gallon, 123), MyApp.Cldr
{:ok, "123 gallons"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string!(:gallon, 1), MyApp.Cldr
{:ok, "1 gallon"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string!(:gallon, 1), MyApp.Cldr, locale: "af"
{:ok, "1 gelling"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string!(:gallon, 1), MyApp.Cldr, locale: "bs"
{:ok, "1 galon"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string!(:gallon, 1234), MyApp.Cldr, format: :long
{:ok, "1 thousand gallons"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string!(:gallon, 1234), MyApp.Cldr, format: :short
{:ok, "1K gallons"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string!(:megahertz, 1234), MyApp.Cldr
{:ok, "1,234 megahertz"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string!(:megahertz, 1234), MyApp.Cldr, style: :narrow
{:ok, "1,234MHz"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string!(123, :foot), MyApp.Cldr
{:ok, "123 feet"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string 123, MyApp.Cldr, unit: :foot
{:ok, "123 feet"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string, MyApp.Cldr, unit: :foot
{:ok, "123 feet"}

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string 123, MyApp.Cldr, unit: :megabyte, locale: "en", style: :unknown
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownFormatError, "The unit style :unknown is not known."}}

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string 123, MyApp.Cldr, unit: :megabyte, locale: "en",
...> grammatical_gender: :feminine
{:error, {Cldr.UnknownGrammaticalGenderError,
  "The locale \"en\" does not define a grammatical gender :feminine. The valid genders are [:masculine]"


  list_or_number :: Cldr.Unit.value() | Cldr.Unit.t() | [Cldr.Unit.t()]
) :: String.t() | no_return()

Formats a number into a string according to a unit definition for the current process's locale and backend or raises on error.

The curent process's locale is set with Cldr.put_locale/1.

See Cldr.Unit.to_string!/3 for full details.

Link to this function

to_string!(unit, backend, options \\ [])

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Formats a number into a string according to a unit definition for the current process's locale and backend or raises on error.

During processing any :format_options of a t:Cldr.Unit are merged with options with options taking precedence.


  • number is any number (integer, float or Decimal) or a t:Cldr.Unit struct

  • backend is any module that includes use Cldr and therefore is a Cldr backend module. The default is Cldr.default_backend!/0.

  • options is a keyword list



  • formatted_string or

  • raises an exception


iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string!!(:gallon, 123), MyApp.Cldr
"123 gallons"

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string!!(:gallon, 1), MyApp.Cldr
"1 gallon"

iex> Cldr.Unit.Format.to_string!!(:gallon, 1), MyApp.Cldr, locale: "af"
"1 gelling"

Traverses a unit's decomposition and invokes a function on each node of the composition tree.


  • unit is any unit returned by

  • fun is any single-arity function. It will be invoked for each node of the composition tree. The argument is a tuple of the following form:

    • {:unit, argument}
    • {:times, {argument_1, argument_2}}
    • {:prefix, {prefix_unit, argument}}
    • {:power, {power_unit, argument}}
    • {:per, {argument_1, argument_2}} Where the arguments are the results returned from the fun/1.


The result returned from fun/1