View Source ExConfigurator

A simple code generator that reduces the amount of env var retrieval in your app.



It will allow you to simply setup:

defmodule SomeModule do

use ExConfigurator, :some_module


and any configs that are defined as:

config :your_app, :some_module, a: 1, b:2

Will autogenerate 2 getters for each element in the keyword list.

  • First - SomeModule.get_a()/0 - Compile time. This will return 1 in the above example. It will generate a function that will return the compile time value.

  • Second - Runtime value. SomeModule.get_env_a()/0 - This will return 1 in the above example. But if changed by a runtime config or a environment based config, the new value will be used.

NOTE: You are probably looking for the second and not the first function wink



To configure you must add the some config to your application:

config :ex_configurator, application: :your_app

Please replace :your_app with your app name.


Complex Usage

Nested keyword lists will create env vars for the top level and sub any nested config.

For the following

defmodule SomeNestedModule do

use ExConfigurator, :some_module


with any configs that are defined as:

config :your_app, :some_module, keys: [ infura: "asdfsdf", twilio: "234234" ]

The following functions will be generated:

  • SomeModule.get_env_keys()/0 = [ infura: "asdfsdf", twilio: "234234" ] - changes if updated during runtime
  • SomeModule.get_keys()/0 = [ infura: "asdfsdf", twilio: "234234" ]
  • SomeModule.get_env_keys_infura()/0 = "asdfsdf" - changes if updated during runtime
  • SomeModule.get_keys_infura(()/0 = "asdfsdf"
  • SomeModule.get_env_keys_twilio()/0 = "234234" - changes if updated during runtime
  • SomeModule.get_keys_twilio(()/0 = "234234"

This gives lots of flexibility.


Special forms

There are some special cases you might want to use this:

If a compile time config is set to a tuple starting with :system of form: {:system, :integer | :string, "MY_ENV", 3434}

then when calling SomeModule.get_keys/0 the replaced method will lookup the system environment variable: "MY_ENV" and cast it to either string or integer value.



If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding ex_configurator to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:ex_configurator, "~> 0.1.0"}

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