ExHashRing.Node (ex_hash_ring v6.0.4) View Source

Types and Functions for working with Ring Nodes and their Replicas

Link to this section Summary


Nodes can be defined by either using a bare name or using a fully specified node. When using a bare name the definition will have to be converted into a fully specified node, see normalize/2.

Nodes are uniquely identified in the ring by their name.

Replicas is a count of how many times a Node should be placed into a Ring.


Nodes are properly specified as a tuple of their name and their number of replicas

Nodes are expanded into multiple virtual nodes.


Expands a list of nodes into a list of virtual nodes.

Converts definitions into fully specified nodes.

Link to this section Types


definition() :: name() | t()

Nodes can be defined by either using a bare name or using a fully specified node. When using a bare name the definition will have to be converted into a fully specified node, see normalize/2.


name() :: binary()

Nodes are uniquely identified in the ring by their name.


replicas() :: non_neg_integer()

Replicas is a count of how many times a Node should be placed into a Ring.

Negative replica counts will result in an ArgumentError when expanded


t() :: {name(), replicas()}

Nodes are properly specified as a tuple of their name and their number of replicas


virtual() :: {ExHashRing.Hash.t(), name()}

Nodes are expanded into multiple virtual nodes.

Link to this section Functions


expand([t()]) :: [virtual()]

Expands a list of nodes into a list of virtual nodes.


expand([t()], replicas()) :: [virtual()]
Link to this function

normalize(nodes, replicas)

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normalize([definition()], replicas()) :: [t()]
normalize(t(), replicas()) :: t()
normalize(name(), replicas()) :: t()

Converts definitions into fully specified nodes.

A single definition or a list of defintions can be normalized by this function.