Mix Task (Advanced)

Generate client config

The hubic mix task makes requests to the Hubic Api on the user's behalf to get details such as the referesh token and then generates a configuration which can copied and pasted into config.exs.

The environment variables generated by the task are automatically save to a .env file. It is best to ensure that this file is outside version control.

Shell input:

mix hubic \
--login=<login> \
--password=<password> \
--clientid=<client_id> \
--clientsecret=<client_secret> \
--redirecturi='http://localhost:4000/' \
--elixirappname='my_app' \
  • login: username/nic_handle for logging into hubic.
  • password: password for logging into hubic.
  • elixirappname: corresponds to the otp_app name in the elixir application.
  • clientid: the client id for the application. Created inside the hubic website.
  • clientsecret: the client secret for the application. Created inside the hubic website.
  • redirecturi: defaults to http://localhost:4000/ when absent.
  • clientname:" The client name to be used in the elixir application, eg MyApp.HubicClient.

Shell Output:

config :my_app, MyApp.HubicClient,
    hubic: [
      client_id: System.get_env("MY_APP_HUBIC_CLIENT_CLIENT_ID"),
      client_secret: System.get_env("MY_APP_HUBIC_CLIENT_CLIENT_SECRET"),
      refresh_token: System.get_env("MY_APP_HUBIC_CLIENT_REFRESH_TOKEN"),
      redirect_uri: System.get_env("MY_APP_HUBIC_CLIENT_REDIRECT_URI") || "http://localhost:4000/"

Terms explained:

  • MY_APP_HUBIC_CLIENT_CLIENT_ID: The system environment variable name for the client id.
  • MY_APP_HUBIC_CLIENT_CLIENT_SECRET: The system environment variable name for the client secret.
  • MY_APP_HUBIC_CLIENT_REFRESH_TOKEN: The system environment variable name for the latest client resresh token.
  • MY_APP_HUBIC_CLIENT_REDIRECT_URI: The system environment variable name for the hubic redirect uri.

  • Copy the configuration outputted by the commandline to config.exs.

  • The enviroment variables are saved to a file called .env automatically by the mix task. Do not add the .env file to version control. Add the variables to the system environment by running the command or some other commands as appropriate to the deployment method.

source .env