ExIceberg.Rest.Config (ExIceberg v0.2.0)

Configuration for the Rest Catalog.


  • uri - https://rest-catalog/ws: URI identifying the REST Server.
  • credential - t-1234:secret: Credential to use for OAuth2 credential flow when initializing the catalog.
  • token - FEW23.DFSDF.FSDF: Bearer token value to use for the Authorization header.
  • scope - openid offline corpds:ds:profile: Desired scope of the requested security token (default: catalog).
  • resource - rest_catalog.iceberg.com: URI for the target resource or service.
  • audience - rest_catalog: Logical name of the target resource or service.
  • grant_type - client_credentials: Grant type to use for client credentials authentication. (default: client_credentials)
  • oauth2_server_uri - https://auth-service/cc: Authentication URL to use for client credentials authentication (default: uri + 'v1/oauth/tokens').
  • warehouse - sandbox: Warehouse to use for the catalog.



@type t() :: %ExIceberg.Rest.Config{
  audience: String.t(),
  credential: String.t(),
  grant_type: String.t(),
  oauth2_server_uri: String.t(),
  prefix: String.t(),
  resource: String.t(),
  s3: %ExIceberg.S3.Config{
    access_key_id: term(),
    connect_timeout: term(),
    delete_enabled: term(),
    endpoint: term(),
    proxy_uri: term(),
    region: term(),
    secret_access_key: term(),
    session_token: term(),
    signer: term(),
    signer_uri: term()
  scope: String.t(),
  token: String.t(),
  uri: String.t(),
  warehouse: String.t()


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merge(local_config, default_config, override_config)

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