View Source ExIpfs.Api (Elixir IPFS v0.1.4)

A module that contains the functions that are used to interact with the IPFS API.

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A structured error returned from the upstream IPFS API.

A an aggregate type that represents the possible errors that can be returned from the API.

A type that represents the possible responses from the API.

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@type error() :: %ExIpfs.ApiError{code: integer(), message: binary(), type: binary()}

A structured error returned from the upstream IPFS API.

@type error_response() ::
  {:error, error()} | {:error, Tesla.Env.t()} | {:error, atom()}

A an aggregate type that represents the possible errors that can be returned from the API.

@type response() :: binary() | map() | list() | error_response()

A type that represents the possible responses from the API.