
A robust and efficient decoder and encoder for the KDL Document Language.

ExKdl conforms to the KDL 1.0.0 spec and is tested against the official test suite.


ExKdl can be installed by adding ex_kdl to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:ex_kdl, "~> 0.1.0-rc2"}]

Basic Usage

iex(1)> nodes = ExKdl.decode!("node 100 key=\"value\" 10_000 /* comment */ {\n    child_1\n    child_2\n}\n")
    children: [
        children: [],
        name: "child_1",
        properties: %{},
        type: nil,
        values: []
        children: [],
        name: "child_2",
        properties: %{},
        type: nil,
        values: []
    name: "node",
    properties: %{"key" => %ExKdl.Value{type: nil, value: "value"}},
    type: nil,
    values: [
      %ExKdl.Value{type: nil, value: %Decimal{coef: 100}},
      %ExKdl.Value{type: nil, value: %Decimal{coef: 10000}}

iex(2)> ExKdl.encode!(nodes)
"node 100 10000 key=\"value\" {\n    child_1\n    child_2\n}\n"

Full documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/ex_kdl.


This repo includes the kdl-org/kdl repo listed as a submodule for testing purposes.

git clone --recurse-submodules <this repo>

Or, if already cloned, initialize the submodule with:

git submodule update --init


mix deps.get

Running tests

mix test

To run a specific test from the kdl-org test suite, use the --only option and pass it the path (where path is input/<filename>.kdl). For example:

mix test --only input/raw_string_just_backslash.kdl


ExKdl is released under the MIT license (LICENSE.txt).