ExMicrosoftAzureStorage.Storage.BlobProperties (ex_microsoft_azure_storage v1.1.1) View Source

Blob properties.

Link to this section Summary


Accepts a list of key value tuples and converts them into a BlobProperties struct

Serialises a BlobProperties into headers as a list of key / value tuples.

Link to this section Types


headers() :: [{String.t(), String.t()}]


t() :: %ExMicrosoftAzureStorage.Storage.BlobProperties{
  accept_ranges: String.t(),
  access_tier: String.t(),
  access_tier_change_time: DateTime.t(),
  access_tier_inferred: boolean(),
  archive_status: String.t(),
  blob_committed_block_count: non_neg_integer(),
  blob_sealed: boolean(),
  blob_sequence_number: non_neg_integer(),
  blob_server_encrypted: boolean(),
  blob_type: String.t(),
  cache_control: String.t(),
  content_disposition: String.t(),
  content_encoding: String.t(),
  content_language: String.t(),
  content_length: non_neg_integer(),
  content_md5: String.t(),
  content_type: String.t(),
  copy_completion_time: DateTime.t(),
  copy_destination_snapshot: DateTime.t(),
  copy_id: String.t(),
  copy_progress: String.t(),
  copy_source: String.t(),
  copy_status: String.t(),
  copy_status_description: String.t(),
  creation_time: DateTime.t(),
  encryption_key_sha256: String.t(),
  encryption_scope: String.t(),
  etag: String.t(),
  incremental_copy: boolean(),
  last_access_time: DateTime.t(),
  last_modified: DateTime.t(),
  lease_duration: String.t(),
  lease_state: String.t(),
  lease_status: String.t(),
  rehydrate_priority: String.t(),
  tag_count: integer()

Link to this section Functions


deserialise(headers :: headers()) :: t()

Accepts a list of key value tuples and converts them into a BlobProperties struct


serialise(properties :: t()) :: headers()

Serialises a BlobProperties into headers as a list of key / value tuples.