View Source Money.ExchangeRates.Retriever (Money v5.12.1)

Implements a GenServer to retrieve exchange rates from a configured retrieveal module on a periodic or on demand basis.

By default exchange rates are retrieved from Open Exchange Rates.

The default period of execution is 5 minutes (300_000 milliseconds). The period of retrieval is configured in config.exs or the appropriate environment configuration. For example:

config :ex_money,
  retrieve_every: 300_000

Link to this section Summary


Returns the certificate store to be used when retrieving exchange rates.

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Return the current configuration of the Exchange Rates Retrieval service

Delete the exchange rates retrieval service

Forces retrieval of historic exchange rates for a single date

Forces retrieval of historic exchange rates for a range of dates

Forces retrieval of the latest exchange rates

Updated the configuration for the Exchange Rate Service

Restart the exchange rates retrieval service

Retrieve exchange rates from an external HTTP service.

Starts the exchange rates retrieval service

Stop the exchange rates retrieval service.

Link to this section Functions

Returns the certificate store to be used when retrieving exchange rates.

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

Return the current configuration of the Exchange Rates Retrieval service

Delete the exchange rates retrieval service

The service can be started again with start/1

Forces retrieval of historic exchange rates for a single date

  • date is a date returned by or any struct with the elements :year, :month and :day or

  • a Date.Range.t created by Date.range/2 that specifies a range of dates to retrieve


  • {:ok, rates} if exchange rates request is successfully sent.

  • {:error, reason} if the request cannot be send.

Sends a message ot the exchange rate retrieval worker to request historic rates for a specified date or range be retrieved and stored.

This function does not return exchange rates, for that see Money.ExchangeRates.latest_rates/0 or Money.ExchangeRates.historic_rates/1.

Link to this function

historic_rates(from, to)

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Forces retrieval of historic exchange rates for a range of dates

  • from is a date returned by or any struct with the elements :year, :month and :day.

  • to is a date returned by or any struct with the elements :year, :month and :day.


  • {:ok, rates} if exchange rates request is successfully sent.

  • {:error, reason} if the request cannot be send.

Sends a message to the exchange rate retrieval process for each date in the range to request historic rates be retrieved.

Forces retrieval of the latest exchange rates

Sends a message ot the exchange rate retrieval worker to request current rates be retrieved and stored.


  • {:ok, rates} if exchange rates request is successfully sent.

  • {:error, reason} if the request cannot be send.

This function does not return exchange rates, for that see Money.ExchangeRates.latest_rates/0 or Money.ExchangeRates.historic_rates/1.

Updated the configuration for the Exchange Rate Service

Restart the exchange rates retrieval service

Link to this function

retrieve_rates(url, config)

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Retrieve exchange rates from an external HTTP service.

This function is primarily intended for use by an exchange rates api module.

Link to this function

start(config \\ Money.ExchangeRates.config())

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Starts the exchange rates retrieval service

Stop the exchange rates retrieval service.

The service can be restarted with restart/0.