Changelog for Money v5.4.0

This is the changelog for Money v5.4.0 released on November 1st, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


Changelog for Money v5.3.2

This is the changelog for Money v5.3.2 released on September 30th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Bug Fixes

  • Fix docs for Money.div!/2

  • Update cldr_utils which implements a shim for Decimal to support both version 1.9 and 2.0.

Changelog for Money v5.3.1

This is the changelog for Money v5.3.1 released on September 26th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Bug Fixes

  • Support nimble_parsec versions that match ~> 0.5 or ~> 1.0

Changelog for Money v5.3.0

This is the changelog for Money v5.3.0 released on September 5th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Bug Fixes

  • Fix parsing money amounts to use Unicode definition of whitespace (set [:Zs:]). Thanks to @Sanjibukai for the report.


Changelog for Money v5.2.1

This is the changelog for Money v5.2.1 released on June 23rd, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


Bug Fixes

  • Add back the name of the Application supervisor, Money.Supervisor. Thanks for the report of the regression to @jeroenvisser101. Fixes #117.

Changelog for Money v5.2.0

This is the changelog for Money v5.2.0 released on May 30th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


  • Adds a configuration option :verify_peer which is a boolean that determines whether to verify the client certificate for any exchange rate service API call. The default is true. This option should not be changed without a very clear understanding of the security implications. This option will remain undocumented but supported for now.

Bug fixes

  • Handle expired certificate errors on the exchange rates API service and log them. Thanks to @coladarci. Fixes #116

Changelog for Money v5.1.0

This is the changelog for Money v5.1.0 released on May 26th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub


  • Extract default currency from locale when calling Money.parse/2 on a money string. The updated docs now say:

    • :default_currency is any valid currency code or false that will used if no currency code, symbol or description is indentified in the parsed string. The default is nil which means that the default currency associated with the :locale option will be used. If false then the currency assocated with the :locale option will not be used and an error will be returned if there is no currency in the string being parsed.
  • Add certificate verification for exchange rate retrieval

Changelog for Money v5.0.2

This is the changelog for Money v5.0.2 released on April 29th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Bug Fixes

  • Update the application supervisor spec

Changelog for Money v5.0.1

This is the changelog for Money v5.0.1 released on January 28th, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Bug Fixes

  • Make nimble_parsec a required dependency since it is required for parsing money amounts. Thanks to @jonnystoten for the report.

Changelog for Money v5.0.0

This is the changelog for Money v5.0.0 released on January 21st, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Breaking changes

  • Elixir 1.10 introduces semantic sorting for stucts that depends on the availability of a compare/2 function that returns :lt, :eq or :gt. Therefore in this release of ex_money the functions compare/2 and compare!/2 are swapped with cmp/2 and cmp!/2 in order to conform with this expectation. Now compare/2 will return :eq, :lt or :gt. And cmp/2 return -1, 0 or 1.

  • Deprecate Money.reduce/1 in favour of Money.normalize/1 to be consistent with Decimal versions 1.9 and later.

It is believed and tested that Money version 5.0.0 is compatible with all versions of Decimal from 1.6 up to the as-yet-unreleased 2.0.

Support of Elixir 1.10 Enum sorting

From Elixir verison 1.10.0, several functions in the Enum module can use the function to simplify sorting. For example:

iex> list = [, 100),, 200)]
[#Money<:USD, 100>, #Money<:USD, 200>]
iex> Enum.sort list, Money
[#Money<:USD, 100>, #Money<:USD, 200>]
iex> Enum.sort list, {:asc, Money}
[#Money<:USD, 100>, #Money<:USD, 200>]
iex> Enum.sort list, {:desc, Money}
[#Money<:USD, 200>, #Money<:USD, 100>]

Note that Enum.sort/2 will sort money amounts even when the currencies are incompatible. In this case the order of the result is not predictable. It is the developers responsibility to filter the list to compatible currencies prior to sorting. This is a limitation of the Enum.sort/2 implementation.

Notes on Decimal version support

  • ex_money version 5.0.0 is compatible with Decimal versions from 1.6 onwards. In Decimal version 2.0 the same changes to compare/2 and cmp/2 will occur and in Decimal version 1.9, Decimal.cmp/2 is deprecated. ex_money version 5.0.0 detects these different versions of Decimal and therefore remains compatability with Decimal back to version 1.6.

Changelog for Money v4.4.2

This is the changelog for Money v4.4.2 released on January 2nd, 2020. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Bug Fixes

  • Remove calls to Code.ensure_compiled?/1 since it is deprecated in Elixir 1.10. Use instead Cldr.Config.ensure_compiled?/1 which is added as a private API in Cldr version 2.12.0. This version of Cldr now becomes the minimum version required.

  • Remove spurious entries in .dialyzer_ignore_warnings - no entries are required and dialyzer is happy.

Changelog for Money v4.4.1

This is the changelog for Money v4.4.1 released on November 10th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes money parsing error. Thanks to @Doerge. Closes #112.

Changelog for Money v4.4.0

This is the changelog for Money v4.4.0 released on November 6th, 2019. For older changelogs please consult the release tag on GitHub

Breaking Change

  • Money.parse/2 until this release supported the :currency_filter option. It allowed for currencies to be filtered based upon their attributes (:all, :current, :historic, :tender, :annotated). When multiple attributes were passed in a list, a currency had to meet all of these attributes. From this release onwards, multiple attributes items are ored, not anded. It is expected this option is used extremely rarely and therefore of limited impact.


  • Money.parse/2 now includes the option :default_currency which allows for parsing a number only (without a currency code) and it will be tagged with the :default_currency.

    iex> Money.parse("100")
      "A currency code, symbol or description must be specified but was not found in \"100\""}}
    iex> Money.parse("100", default_currency: :USD)
    #Money<:USD, 100>
  • Add :only and :except options to Money.parse/2 to specify which currency codes or currency attributes are permitted. :only and :except replace the option :currency_filter which is now deprecated. If provided, :currency_filter is interpreted as :only. An example:

    iex> Money.parse("100 usd", only: :current, except: :USD)
      "The currency \"usd\" is unknown or not supported"}}
  • Money.parse/2 now supports negative money amounts.

    iex> Money.parse("chf -100")
    #Money<:CHF, -100>
    iex> Money.parse("(chf 100)")
    #Money<:CHF, -100>
* The money parser has been rewritten using [nimble_parsec](https://hex,pm.packages/nimble_parsec)

# Changelog for Money v4.3.0

This is the changelog for Money v4.3.0 released on September 8th, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Enhancements

* Adds a `Money` backend in the same spirit as other libraries that leverge [ex_cldr](https://hex,pm/packages/ex_cldr). Thanks to @Lostkobrakai. Closes #108. All of the functions in the `Money` module may also be called on a backend module `<backend>` without having to specify a backend module since this is implicit.

### Bug Fixes

* `!/3` replaces `!/2` to accept options. Thanks to @Lostkobrakai. Closes #109.

# Changelog for Money v4.2.2

This is the changelog for Money v4.2.2 released on September 7th, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Bug Fixes

* Use `Keyword.get_lazy` when the default is `Cldr.default_backend/0` to avoid exceptions when no default backend is configured. Thanks to @Lostkobrakai. Closes #108.

# Changelog for Money v4.2.1

This is the changelog for Money v4.2.1 released on September 2nd, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Bug Fixes

* Fixes parsing of money amount that have a single digit amount. Closes #107.  Thanks to @njwest

# Changelog for Money v4.2.0

This is the changelog for Money v4.2.0 released on 21 August, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Bug Fixes

* Move the `Money.Migration` module to [ex_money_ecto]( where it belongs

### Enhancements

* `Money.default_backend/0` will now either use the backend configured under the `:default_cldr_backend` key of `ex_money` or `Cldr.default_backend/0`. In either case an exeption will be raised if no default backend is configured.

# Changelog for Money v4.1.0

This is the changelog for Money v4.1.0 released on July 13th, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Enhancements

* Adds `Money.abs/1`. Thanks to @jeremyjh.

* Improve `@doc` consistency using `## Arguments` not `## Options`.

# Changelog for Money v4.0.0

This is the changelog for Money v4.0.0 released on July 8th, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Breaking Changes

* Functions related to the serialization of money types have been extracted to the library [ex_money_sql](  For applications using the dependency `ex_money` that *do not* require serialization no changes are required.  For applications using serialization, the dependency should be changed to `ex_money_sql` (which in turn depends on `ex_money`).

* Supports Elixir 1.6 and later only

# Changelog for Money v3.4.4

This is the changelog for Money v3.4.4 released on June 2nd, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Enhancements

* Supports passing an `Cldr.Number.Formation.Options.t` as alternative to a `Keyword.t` for options to `Money.to_string/2`.  Performance is doubled when using pre-validated options which is useful if formatting is being executed in a tight loop.

An example of this usage is:

iex> money =, 100)

# Apply any options required as a keyword list # Money will take care of managing the :currency option iex> options = []

iex> {:ok, options} = Cldr.Number.Format.Options.validate_options(0, backend, options) iex> Money.to_string(money, options)

The `0` in `validate_options` is used to determine the sign of the amount because that can influence formatting - for example the accounting format often uses `(1234)` as its format.  If you know your amounts are always positive, just use `0`.

If the use case may have both positive and negative amounts, generate two option sets (one with the positive number and one with the negative).  Then use the appropriate option set.  For example:

iex> money =, 1234)

# Add options as required # Money will take care of managing the :currency option iex> options = []

iex> {:ok, positive_options} = Cldr.Number.Format.Options.validate_options(0, backend, options) iex> {:ok, negative_options} = Cldr.Number.Format.Options.validate_options(-1, backend, options)

iex> if Money.cmp(money, == :gt do ...> Money.to_string(money, positive_options) ...> else ...> Money.to_string(money, negative_options) ...> end

# Changelog for Money v3.4.3

This is the changelog for Money v3.4.3 released on June 2nd, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Bug Fixes

* Ensure `Money.to_string!/2` properly raises

* Add specs for `Money.to_string/2` and `Money.to_string!/2`

Thanks to @rodrigues for the report and PR.

# Changelog for Money v3.4.2

This is the changelog for Money v3.4.2 released on April 16th, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Bug Fixes

* `Money.put_fraction/2` now correctly allows setting the fraction to 0.

### Enhancements

* `Money.round/2` allows setting `:currency_digits` to an integer number of digits in addition to the options `:iso`, `:cash` and `:accounting`.  The default remains `:iso`.

* Improves the documentation for `Money.to_string/2`.

# Changelog for Money v3.4.1

This is the changelog for Money v3.4.1 released on April 5th, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Bug Fixes

* Fix `` markdown formatting error.  Thanks to @fireproofsocks for the report and @lostkobrakai for the fix.  Closes #99.

# Changelog for Money v3.4.0

This is the changelog for Money v3.4.0 released on March 28th, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Enhancements

* Updates to [CLDR version 35.0.0]( released on March 27th 2019 through `ex_cldr` version 2.6.0.

# Changelog for Money v3.3.1

This is the changelog for Money v3.3.1 released on March 8th, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Bug Fixes

* Fix or silence dialyzer warnings

# Changelog for Money v3.3.0

This is the changelog for Money v3.3.0 released on February 24th, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Enhancements

* Adds `Money.put_fraction/2`. This will set the fractional part of a money to the specified integer amount.  Examples:

iex> Money.put_fraction, "2.49"), 99 #Money<:USD, 2.99>

iex> Money.put_fraction, "2.49"), 999 {:error, {Money.InvalidAmountError, "Rounding up to 999 is invalid for currency :USD"}}

### Bug Fixes

* Parsing money strings now uses a more complete set of character definitions for decimal and grouping separators based upon the `characters.json` file of the "en" locale.

# Changelog for Money v3.2.4

This is the changelog for Money v3.2.4 released on February 13th, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Bug Fixes

* Updates to [ex_cldr_currencies version 2.1.2]( which correctly removes duplicate currency strings when the same string referred to different currency codes. See the [changelog]( for further detail.

### Enhancements

* Adds a `:fuzzy` option to `Money.parse/2` that uses `String.jaro_distance/2` to help determine if the provided currency text can be resolved as a currency code.  For example:

iex> Money.parse("100 eurosports", fuzzy: 0.8) #Money<:EUR, 100>

iex> Money.parse("100 eurosports", fuzzy: 0.9) {:error, {Money.Invalid, "Unable to create money from \"eurosports\" and \"100\""}}

# Changelog for Money v3.2.3

This is the changelog for Money v3.2.3 released on February 12th, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Bug Fixes

* Correctly parse money strings with unicode currency symbols like "€". Closes #95.  Thanks to @crbelaus.

# Changelog for Money v3.2.2

This is the changelog for Money v3.2.2 released on February 10th, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Enhancements

* Improves parsing of money strings. Parsing now uses various strings that [CLDR]( knows about.  Some examples:

iex> Money.parse "$au 12 346", locale: "fr" #Money<:AUD, 12346> iex> Money.parse "12 346 dollar australien", locale: "fr" #Money<:AUD, 12346> iex> Money.parse "A$ 12346", locale: "en" #Money<:AUD, 12346> iex> Money.parse "australian dollar 12346.45", locale: "en" #Money<:AUD, 12346.45> iex> Money.parse "AU$ 12346,45", locale: "de" #Money<:AUD, 12346.45>

# Can also return the strings available for a given currency # and locale iex> Cldr.Currency.strings_for_currency :AUD, "de" ["aud", "au$", "australischer dollar", "australische dollar"]

# Round trip formatting also seems to be ok iex> {:ok, string} = Cldr.Number.to_string 1234, Money.Cldr, currency: :AUD iex> Money.parse string #Money<:AUD, 1234.00>

# Changelog for Money v3.2.1

This is the changelog for Money v3.2.1 released on February 2nd, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Bug Fixes

* Added `Money.Ecto.Composite.Type.cast/1` and `Money.Ecto.Map.Type.cast/1` for a `String.t` parameter. When a `String.t` is provided, `cast/1` will call `Money.parse/2` to create the `Money.t`.

* `` now uses the current locale on the default backend if no locale or backend is specified. This means that `Money.Ecto.Composite.Type.cast/1` and `Money.Ecto.Map.Type.cast/1` will be parsed using the locale that has been set for the current process in the default backend. As a result, a simple `type=text` form field can be used to input a money type (currency code and amount in a single string) that can then be cast to a `Money.t`.

# Changelog for Money v3.2.0

This is the changelog for Money v3.2.0 released on February 1st, 2019.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Bug Fixes

* Correctly generate `migrations_path/1` function based upon whether `Ecto` is configured and which version

### Enhancements

* Adds `Money.parse/2` which will parse a string comprising a currency code and an amount. It will return a `Money.t` or an error.  This function may be helpful in supporting money input in HTML forms.

# Changelog for Money v3.1.0

This is the changelog for Money v3.1.0 released on December 30th, 2018.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

### Bug Fixes

* Fix typo in `exchange_rates_retriever.ex`.  Thanks to @lostkobrakai.  Closes #91.

* Remove obsolete `cldr` compiler

* Changes the `sum` aggregate function for `money_with_currency` to be `STRICT` which means it handles `NULL` columns in the same way as the standard `SUM` function.  Thanks to @lostkobrakai.  Closes #88.

* Fixes documentation link errors

* Fix unhandled terminate typo error in exchange rates server. Thanks to @xavier. Closes #90.

# Changelog for Money v3.0.0

This is the changelog for Money v3.0.0 released on November 23rd, 2018.  For older changelogs please consult the release tag on [GitHub](

The primary purpose of this release is to support ex_cldr version 2.0

### Breaking changes

* `Money.from_tuple/1` has been removed
* Uses [ex_cldr]( version 2.  Please see [the changelog]( for configuration changes that are required.
* Requires a default_cldr_backend to be configured in `config.exs`.  For example:

config :ex_money,

default_cldr_backend: MyApp.Cldr
