View Source ExOauth2Provider.Plug (ExOauth2Provider v0.5.7)

ExOauth2Provider.Plug contains functions that assist with interacting with ExOauth2Provider via Plugs.

ExOauth2Provider.Plug is not itself a plug.

Use the helpers to look up current_access_token and current_resource_owner.





Check if a request is authenticated

Fetch the currently verified token from the request. Optionally located at a key

Fetch the currently authenticated resource if loaded, optionally located at a key


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authenticated?(conn, type \\ :default)

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@spec authenticated?(Plug.Conn.t(), atom()) :: boolean()

Check if a request is authenticated

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current_access_token(conn, the_key \\ :default)

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@spec current_access_token(Plug.Conn.t(), atom()) ::
  ExOauth2Provider.AccessTokens.AccessToken.t() | nil

Fetch the currently verified token from the request. Optionally located at a key

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current_resource_owner(conn, the_key \\ :default)

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@spec current_resource_owner(Plug.Conn.t(), atom()) :: map() | nil

Fetch the currently authenticated resource if loaded, optionally located at a key