View Source ExOciSdk.Queue.Types (ex_oci_sdk v0.2.0)
Defines types used by the Queue Client.
Map structure for changing a queue's compartment.
Filter string for querying specific channels.
Unique identifier for a channel within a queue.
The OCID (Oracle Cloud ID) that uniquely identifies a compartment. A compartment is a logical container used to organize and isolate cloud resources.
Map structure for creating a queue
Default options for create a queue
Structure for deleting multiple messages from a queue.
Options for retrieving messages from a queue.
Options for retrieving queue statistics.
Options for listing channels in a queue.
Options for listing queues.
Options for listing work requests.
Options for listing work requests.
Message map containing the actual content and associated metadata.
Metadata map associated with a message, including channel information and custom properties.
Receipt identifier for a message. Used in operations that manipulate existing messages.
Request identifier used for tracing and debugging purposes.
Map structure for purging a queue.
Map for putting multiple messages into a queue.
Default options available for operations that change state of a queue (delete, move, purge).
Options for creating a new queue client.
Default options available for most queue operations.
Unique identifier for a queue.
Default Queue service settings
Map for updating a single message's visibility timeout.
Structure for updating visibility timeout for multiple messages.
Map structure for updating a queue.
A unique identifier for tracking asynchronous work requests. This ID is returned when operations that change state are initiated and can be used to monitor the status and progress of long-running operations through work request APIs.
@type change_queue_compartment_input() :: %{compartment_id: compartment_id()}
Map structure for changing a queue's compartment.
- The OCID of the destination compartment. After the change operation completes,
@type channel_filter() :: String.t()
Filter string for querying specific channels.
@type channel_id() :: String.t()
Unique identifier for a channel within a queue.
@type compartment_id() :: String.t()
The OCID (Oracle Cloud ID) that uniquely identifies a compartment. A compartment is a logical container used to organize and isolate cloud resources.
@type create_queue_input() :: %{ display_name: String.t(), compartment_id: compartment_id(), retention_in_seconds: pos_integer(), visibility_in_seconds: pos_integer(), timeout_in_seconds: pos_integer(), channel_consumption_limit: pos_integer(), dead_letter_queue_delivery_count: pos_integer(), custom_encryption_key_id: String.t(), freeform_tags: %{required(String.t()) => String.t()}, defined_tags: %{required(String.t()) => %{required(String.t()) => term()}} }
Map structure for creating a queue
- The name of the queue displayed in the consolecompartment_id
- The OCID of the compartment where the queue will be createdretention_in_seconds
- How long messages are kept in the queue before automatic deletionvisibility_in_seconds
- How long a message is invisible to other consumers after being retrievedtimeout_in_seconds
- Maximum time allowed for processing a message before it returns to the queuechannel_consumption_limit
- Maximum number of messages that can be consumed simultaneouslydead_letter_queue_delivery_count
- Number of delivery attempts before moving to dead letter queuecustom_encryption_key_id
- The OCID of the custom encryption keyfreeform_tags
- Simple key-value pairs for organizing resourcesdefined_tags
- Predefined tags that restrict values by a definite schema
@type create_queue_opts() :: [ opc_request_id: opc_request_id(), opc_retry_token: String.t() ]
Default options for create a queue
- Custom request identifier for tracing:opc_retry_token
- A token that uniquely identifies a request. If you need to retry the request, use the same retry token. This ensures that the server recognizes the request as a retry and not as a new request
@type delete_messages_input() :: %{entries: [%{receipt: message_receipt()}]}
Structure for deleting multiple messages from a queue.
@type get_messages_opts() :: [ opc_request_id: opc_request_id(), visibility_in_seconds: pos_integer(), timeout_in_seconds: pos_integer(), limit: pos_integer(), channel_filter: channel_filter() ]
Options for retrieving messages from a queue.
- Custom request identifier:visibility_in_seconds
- Duration the message remains invisible to other consumers:timeout_in_seconds
- How long to wait for messages if queue is empty:limit
- Maximum number of messages to retrieve:channel_filter
- Filter for specific channels
@type get_stats_opts() :: [ opc_request_id: opc_request_id(), channel_filter: channel_filter() ]
Options for retrieving queue statistics.
- Custom request identifier:channel_filter
- Filter for specific channels
@type list_channels_opts() :: [ opc_request_id: opc_request_id(), limit: pos_integer(), page: pos_integer(), channel_filter: channel_filter() ]
Options for listing channels in a queue.
- Custom request identifier:limit
- Maximum number of channels to retrieve:page
- Page number for pagination:channel_filter
- Filter for specific channels
@type list_queues_opts() :: [ opc_request_id: opc_request_id(), id: String.t(), display_name: String.t(), compartment_id: compartment_id(), lifecycle_state: String.t(), limit: pos_integer(), page: pos_integer(), sort_order: String.t(), sort_by: String.t() ]
Options for listing queues.
- Custom request identifier:id
- Unique identifier of the queue to filter by:display_mame
- Name of the queue to filter results:compartment_id
- OCID of the compartment to filter queues:lifecycle_state
- Current state of the queue (e.g. CREATING, UPDATING, ACTIVE, DELETING, DELETED and FAILED):limit
- Maximum number of queues to retrieve:page
- Page number for pagination:sort_order
- Order of results (ASC or DESC):sort_by
- Field to sort the results by (e.g. timeCreated, displayName)
@type list_work_requests_default_opts() :: [ opc_request_id: opc_request_id(), limit: pos_integer(), page: pos_integer() ]
Options for listing work requests.
- Custom request identifier for tracing:limit
- Maximum number of work requests to retrieve per page:page
- Page number for pagination when retrieving a list of work requests
@type list_work_requests_opts() :: [ opc_request_id: opc_request_id(), compartment_id: compartment_id(), work_request_id: work_request_id(), limit: pos_integer(), page: pos_integer() ]
Options for listing work requests.
- Custom request identifier for tracing:compartment_id
- OCID of the compartment to filter work requests:work_request_id
- Filter work requests by their unique identifier:limit
- Maximum number of work requests to retrieve per page:page
- Page number for pagination when retrieving a list of work requests
@type message() :: %{content: String.t(), metadata: message_metadata()}
Message map containing the actual content and associated metadata.
@type message_metadata() :: %{ channel_id: channel_id(), custom_properties: %{required(String.t()) => String.t()} }
Metadata map associated with a message, including channel information and custom properties.
@type message_receipt() :: String.t()
Receipt identifier for a message. Used in operations that manipulate existing messages.
@type opc_request_id() :: String.t()
Request identifier used for tracing and debugging purposes.
Map structure for purging a queue.
- Type of purge operation. Valid values are "NORMAL", "DLQ", or "BOTH"channel_ids
- List of channel IDs to be purged (optional)
@type put_messages_input() :: %{messages: [message()]}
Map for putting multiple messages into a queue.
@type queue_admin_default_opts() :: [ opc_request_id: opc_request_id(), if_match: String.t() ]
Default options available for operations that change state of a queue (delete, move, purge).
- Custom request identifier for tracing:if_match
- Used for optimistic concurrency control. Ensures the resource hasn't been modified since you last retrieved it. Contains the resource's ETag value from a previous GET request. If the ETag values don't match, the operation will fail with a 412 Precondition Failed error
@type queue_client_create_opts() :: [{:service_endpoint, String.t()}]
Options for creating a new queue client.
- Custom service endpoint URL
@type queue_default_opts() :: [{:opc_request_id, opc_request_id()}]
Default options available for most queue operations.
- Custom request identifier for tracing
@type queue_id() :: String.t()
Unique identifier for a queue.
@type service_settings() :: %{ service_endpoint: String.t(), content_type: String.t(), accept: String.t() }
Default Queue service settings
- Default OCI service endpoint:content_type
- Default content type for requests:accept
- Default accept header for requests
@type update_message_input() :: %{visibility_in_seconds: pos_integer()}
Map for updating a single message's visibility timeout.
@type update_messages_input() :: %{ entries: [%{receipt: message_receipt(), visibility_in_seconds: pos_integer()}] }
Structure for updating visibility timeout for multiple messages.
@type update_queue_input() :: %{ display_name: String.t(), visibility_in_seconds: pos_integer(), timeout_in_seconds: pos_integer(), channel_consumption_limit: pos_integer(), dead_letter_queue_delivery_count: pos_integer(), custom_encryption_key_id: String.t(), freeform_tags: %{required(String.t()) => String.t()}, defined_tags: %{required(String.t()) => %{required(String.t()) => term()}} }
Map structure for updating a queue.
- The name of the queue displayed in the consolevisibility_in_seconds
- How long a message is invisible to other consumers after being retrievedtimeout_in_seconds
- Maximum time allowed for processing a message before it returns to the queuechannel_consumption_limit
- Maximum number of messages that can be consumed simultaneouslydead_letter_queue_delivery_count
- Number of delivery attempts before moving to dead letter queuecustom_encryption_key_id
- The OCID of the custom encryption keyfreeform_tags
- Simple key-value pairs for organizing resourcesdefined_tags
- Predefined tags that restrict values by a definite schema
@type work_request_id() :: String.t()
A unique identifier for tracking asynchronous work requests. This ID is returned when operations that change state are initiated and can be used to monitor the status and progress of long-running operations through work request APIs.