ExRets v0.1.1 ExRets.RetsResponse View Source

The parsed response of a RETS request.

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Included to provide a mechanism to pass additional information to the client in the event that the request is processed OK but some condition still exist that may require an action by the client.

Human-readable meaning of the reply_code/0

Main content of the RETS response.


Parsed response of a RETS request.

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View Source (since 0.1.0)
reply_code() :: non_neg_integer()

Included to provide a mechanism to pass additional information to the client in the event that the request is processed OK but some condition still exist that may require an action by the client.

A value of '0' indicates success.

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View Source (since 0.1.0)
reply_text() :: String.t()

Human-readable meaning of the reply_code/0

Main content of the RETS response.

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View Source (since 0.1.0)
t() :: %ExRets.RetsResponse{
  reply_code: reply_code(),
  reply_text: reply_text(),
  response: response()

Parsed response of a RETS request.