ExRets v0.1.1 ExRets View Source

RETS client for Elixir.

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RETS client.

Options for the RETS client.

Details about why an error occurred.


Open an HTTP client and log in to a RETS server.

Logout and close the HTTP client.

Perform a RETS search.

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RETS client.

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opts() :: [{:timeout, integer()}]

Options for the RETS client.

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reason() :: any()

Details about why an error occurred.

Link to this section Functions

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login(credentials, opts \\ [])

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login(ExRets.Credentials.t(), opts()) ::
  {:ok, client()} | {:ok, ExRets.HttpResponse.t()} | {:error, reason()}

Open an HTTP client and log in to a RETS server.

Returns an :ok tuple with either a client/0 if the login succeeds, or an ExRets.HttpResponse.t/0 if the login attempt ends with a non-200 status code.

An :error tuple is returned for any other issues.


  • :timeout - HTTP timeout in seconds, applied to each HTTP request by the client.
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logout(client()) ::
  {:ok, ExRets.RetsResponse.t()}
  | {:ok, ExRets.HttpResponse.t()}
  | {:error, reason()}

Logout and close the HTTP client.

Returns an :ok tuple with either a ExRets.RetsResponse.t/0 if the logout succeeds, or an ExRets.HttpResponse.t/0 if the logout ends with a non-200 status code.

An :error tuple is returned for any other issues.

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search(rets_client, search_arguments)

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search(client(), ExRets.SearchArguments.t()) ::
  {:ok, ExRets.RetsResponse.t()}
  | {:ok, ExRets.HttpResponse.t()}
  | {:error, reason()}

Perform a RETS search.

Returns an :ok tuple with either a ExRets.RetsResponse.t/0 if the search succeeds, or an ExRets.HttpResponse.t/0 if the search ends with a non-200 status code.

An :error tuple is returned for any other issues.