View Source ExRTCP.Packet (ex_rtcp v0.4.0)

RTCP packet encoding and decoding functionalities.


  iex> packet = %ExRTCP.Packet.SenderReport{
  ...>   ssrc: 123_456,
  ...>   ntp_timestamp: 5_000_000,
  ...>   rtp_timestamp: 436_133,
  ...>   packet_count: 5,
  ...>   octet_count: 89
  ...> }
  iex> encoded = ExRTCP.Packet.encode(packet, padding: 8)
  iex> {:ok, ^packet} = ExRTCP.Packet.decode(encoded)



Decodes RTCP packet. Returns a struct representing the packet based on its type.

Encodes the packet and returns the resulting binary.


@type decode_error() :: :invalid_packet | :unknown_type

Possible decode/1 errors.

  • :invalid_packet - this binary could not be parsed as a valid RTCP packet
  • :unknown_type - this type of RTCP packet is not supported or does not exist
@type int16() :: -32768..32767
@type int24() :: -8_388_608..8_388_607
@type uint8() :: 0..255
@type uint13() :: 0..8191
@type uint16() :: 0..65535
@type uint24() :: 0..16_777_216
@type uint32() :: 0..4_294_967_295
@type uint64() :: 0..18_446_744_073_709_551_615


@spec decode(binary()) :: {:ok, packet()} | {:error, decode_error()}

Decodes RTCP packet. Returns a struct representing the packet based on its type.

Link to this function

encode(packet, opts \\ [])

View Source
@spec encode(packet(), [{:padding, uint8()}]) :: binary()

Encodes the packet and returns the resulting binary.


  • padding - number of padding bytes added to packet, no padding is added by default, must be multiple of 4, and smaller than 256