View Source ExTeal.Panel (ExTeal v0.28.1)

Separates fields on the detail page into panels



Given a resource, uses the fields definition to find the panels

Given a list of fields and a list of panels, assigns the panel to each field

Add helper text for the panel

Limit the amount of fields that show by default on the detail page Other fields are hidden behind a "Show more" button

Creates a new panel


@type options() :: %{
  optional(:helper_text) => String.t(),
  optional(:limit) => non_neg_integer(),
  optional(:apply_to_all) => map()
@type t() :: %ExTeal.Panel{
  field: term(),
  fields: term(),
  key: term(),
  name: term(),
  options: term()


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Given a resource, uses the fields definition to find the panels

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give_panel_to_fields(fields, resource)

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@spec give_panel_to_fields([ExTeal.Field.t()], module()) :: [ExTeal.Field.t()]

Given a list of fields and a list of panels, assigns the panel to each field

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helper_text(panel, text)

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@spec helper_text(t(), String.t()) :: t()

Add helper text for the panel

@spec limit(t(), integer()) :: t()

Limit the amount of fields that show by default on the detail page Other fields are hidden behind a "Show more" button

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new(name, fields, options \\ %{})

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@spec new(String.t(), [ExTeal.Field.t()], options()) :: t()

Creates a new panel