View Source ExToolkit.Ecto.Query (ExToolkit v0.9.13)

A helper module that extend Ecto.Query functionality.



Applies a series of operations to an Ecto query.

Applies pagination to an Ecto query. It calculates the correct offset based on the page number and limits the number of results returned by the query to the specified page size.

Filters a query to only include rows where the specified column's value is within a provided range.



@type option() ::
  {:where, term()}
  | {:select, term()}
  | {:order_by, term()}
  | {:limit, integer()}
  | {:preload, term() | [term()]}


@type options() :: [option()]


apply_filters(query, opts)

This function is deprecated. use apply_options/2 instead.

apply_options(query, opts)

@spec apply_options(Ecto.Queryable.t(), options()) :: Ecto.Queryable.t()

Applies a series of operations to an Ecto query.


  • query: The Ecto query to which operations should be applied.
  • opts: A list of operations to apply. Each operation is a tuple where the first element is the operation name and the second element is the value to use for that operation.

The following operations are supported:

  • {:where, filters}: Adds a where clause to the query.
  • {:select, fields}: Adds a select clause to the query.
  • {:order_by, criteria}: Adds an order_by clause to the query.
  • {:limit, criteria}: Adds a limit clause to the query.
  • {:preload, preload}: Adds a preload clause to the query.

Invalid options are ignored from query result.


iex> query = from(u in "users")
iex> apply_options(query, where: [age: 18], select: [:id, :email])
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", where: u0.age == ^18, select: map(u0, [:id, :email])>

iex> query = from(u in "users")
iex> filters = [
...> {:where, [age: 18]},
...> {:order_by, [desc: :age]},
...> {:select, [:id, :email]},
...> {:limit, 10},
...> {:preload, :posts},
iex> apply_options(query, filters)
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", where: u0.age == ^18, order_by: [desc: u0.age], limit: ^10, select: map(u0, [:id, :email]), preload: [:posts]>

apply_pagination(query, page, page_size)

@spec apply_pagination(
  binary() | pos_integer(),
  binary() | pos_integer()
) ::

Applies pagination to an Ecto query. It calculates the correct offset based on the page number and limits the number of results returned by the query to the specified page size.


  • query - An Ecto.Query or any data structure implementing the Ecto.Queryable protocol.
  • page - The page number for which data is requested. Can be a positive integer or a string representing an integer.
  • page_size - The number of items to be included on each page. Can be a positive integer or a string representing an integer.


  • An Ecto.Queryable.t() with pagination applied.

This function supports page and page_size values passed as integers or strings. If strings are provided, they are converted to integers. If the conversion is not possible, an error will occur.


iex> query = from(u in "users", select:
iex> apply_pagination(query, 1, 20)
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", limit: ^20, offset: ^0, select:>

iex> query = from(u in "users", select:
iex> apply_pagination(query, "2", 20)
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", limit: ^20, offset: ^20, select:>

iex> query = from(u in "users", select:
iex> apply_pagination(query, 4, "15")
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", limit: ^15, offset: ^45, select:>

in_range(query, column, arg)

Filters a query to only include rows where the specified column's value is within a provided range.


  • query: The Ecto query to filter.
  • column: The column on which to apply the range filter.
  • min..max: The range of values to filter on.


iex> query = from(u in "users", select: u.age)
iex> in_range(query, :age, 18..30)
#Ecto.Query<from u0 in "users", where: u0.age >= ^18 and u0.age <= ^30, select: u0.age>


@spec sanitize_options(options()) :: options()