View Source ExTypesense.Document (ExTypesense v0.6.0)

Module for CRUD operations for documents. Refer to this doc guide.



Indexes a single document using struct or map. When using struct, the pk maps to document's id as string.

Updates a single document using struct or map.

Upserts a single document using struct or map.

Upserts multiple documents via maps. Same with update_multiple_documents/1 with some difference: creates one if not existed, otherwise updates it.


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@type response() :: :ok | {:ok, map()} | {:error, map()}


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create_document(conn \\, struct)

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@spec create_document(
  struct() | map() | [struct()] | [map()]
) :: response()

Indexes a single document using struct or map. When using struct, the pk maps to document's id as string.

Note: when using maps as documents, you should pass a key named "collection_name".


iex> schema = %{
...>   name: "posts",
...>   fields: [
...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
...>   ],
...> }
iex> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
iex> post =
...>  %{
...>    id: "34",
...>    collection_name: "posts",
...>    posts_id: 34,
...>    title: "the quick brown fox",
...>    description: "jumps over the lazy dog"
...>  }
iex> ExTypesense.create_document(post)
    "id" => "34",
    "collection_name" => "posts",
    "posts_id" => 34,
    "title" => "the quick brown fox",
    "description" => "jumps over the lazy dog"
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delete_all_documents(conn \\, collection_name)

View Source (since 0.5.0)
@spec delete_all_documents(ExTypesense.Connection.t(), module() | String.t()) ::

Deletes all documents in a collection.

On using this function

As of this writing (v0.5.0), there's no built-in way of deleting all documents via Typesense docs. This function uses delete_by_query under the hood.

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delete_document(conn \\, struct_or_tuple)

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@spec delete_document(ExTypesense.Connection.t(), struct() | {String.t(), integer()}) ::

Deletes a document by id or struct.

Deleting a document by id

If you are deleting by id, pass it as a tuple ({"collection_name", 23})


iex> ExTypesense.create_collection(Post)
iex> post = Post |> limit(1) |>
iex> ExTypesense.create_collection(post)
iex> ExTypesense.delete_document(post)
    "id" => "1",
    "posts_id" => 1,
    "title" => "our first post",
    "collection_name" => "posts"

iex> schema = %{
...>   name: "posts",
...>   fields: [
...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
...>   ],
...> }
...> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
iex> post =
...>  %{
...>    id: "12",
...>    collection_name: "posts",
...>    posts_id: 22,
...>    title: "the quick brown fox"
...>  }
iex> ExTypesense.create_document(post)
iex> ExTypesense.delete_document({"posts", 12})
    "id" => "12",
    "posts_id" => 22,
    "title" => "the quick brown fox",
    "collection_name" => "posts"
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delete_documents_by_query(conn \\, collection_name, query)

View Source (since 0.5.0)
@spec delete_documents_by_query(
  module() | String.t(),
  %{filter_by: String.t(), batch_size: integer() | nil}
) :: response()

Deletes documents in a collection by query.

Filter and batch size

To delete all documents in a collection, you can use a filter that matches all documents in your collection. For eg, if you have an int32 field called popularity in your documents, you can use filter_by: "popularity:>0" to delete all documents. Or if you have a bool field called in_stock in your documents, you can use filter_by: "in_stock:[true,false]" to delete all documents.

Use the batch_size to control the number of documents that should deleted at a time. A larger value will speed up deletions, but will impact performance of other operations running on the server.

Filter parameters can be found here:


iex> query = %{
...>   filter_by: "num_employees:>100",
...>   batch_size: 100
...> }
iex> ExTypesense.delete_documents_by_query(Employee, query)
{:ok, %{}}
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get_document(conn \\, collection_name, document_id)

View Source (since 0.1.0)
@spec get_document(ExTypesense.Connection.t(), module() | String.t(), integer()) ::

Get a document from a collection.


iex> schema = %{
...>   name: "posts",
...>   fields: [
...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
...>   ],
...> }
...> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
...> post = %{
...>    id: "444",
...>    collection_name: "posts",
...>    title: "the quick brown fox"
...> }
iex> ExTypesense.create_document(post)
iex> ExTypesense.get_document("posts", 444)
    "id" => "444",
    "collection_name" => "posts",
    "title" => "the quick brown fox",
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index_multiple_documents(conn \\, list_of_structs)

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@spec index_multiple_documents(ExTypesense.Connection.t(), [struct()] | map()) ::

Indexes multiple documents via maps.

Note: when using maps as documents, you should pass a key named collection_name and with the lists of documents named documents (example shown below).


iex> schema = %{
...>   name: "posts",
...>   fields: [
...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
...>   ],
...> }
...> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
...> posts = %{
...>   collection_name: "posts",
...>   documents: [
...>     %{title: "the quick brown fox"},
...>     %{title: "jumps over the lazy dog"}
...>   ]
...> }
iex> ExTypesense.index_multiple_documents(posts)
{:ok, [%{"success" => true}, %{"success" => true}]}
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update_document(conn \\, struct)

View Source (since 0.3.0)
@spec update_document(ExTypesense.Connection.t(), struct() | map()) :: response()

Updates a single document using struct or map.

Note: when using maps as documents, you should pass a key named "collection_name".


iex> schema = %{
...>   name: "posts",
...>   fields: [
...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
...>   ],
...> }
iex> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
iex> post =
...>  %{
...>    id: "94",
...>    collection_name: "posts",
...>    posts_id: 94,
...>    title: "the quick brown fox"
...>  }
iex> ExTypesense.create_document(post)
iex> updated_post =
...>  %{
...>    id: "94",
...>    collection_name: "posts",
...>    posts_id: 94,
...>    title: "test"
...>  }
iex> ExTypesense.update_document(updated_post)
    "id" => "94",
    "collection_name" => "posts",
    "posts_id" => 94,
    "title" => "sample post"
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update_multiple_documents(conn \\, list_of_structs)

View Source (since 0.3.0)
@spec update_multiple_documents(ExTypesense.Connection.t(), [struct()] | map()) ::

Updates multiple documents via maps.

Note: when using maps as documents, you should pass a key named collection_name and with the lists of documents named documents (example shown below). Also add the id for each documents.


iex> schema = %{
...>   name: "posts",
...>   fields: [
...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
...>   ],
...> }
iex> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
iex> posts = %{
...>   collection_name: "posts",
...>   documents: [
...>     %{id: "5", title: "the quick brown fox"},
...>     %{id: "6", title: "jumps over the lazy dog"}
...>   ]
...> }
iex> {:ok, _} = ExTypesense.index_multiple_documents(posts)
iex> updated_posts = %{
...>   collection_name: "posts",
...>   documents: [
...>     %{id: "5", title: "the quick"},
...>     %{id: "6", title: "jumps over"}
...>   ]
...> }
iex> ExTypesense.update_multiple_documents(updated_posts)
{:ok, [%{"success" => true}, %{"success" => true}]}
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upsert_document(conn \\, struct)

View Source (since 0.3.0)
@spec upsert_document(ExTypesense.Connection.t(), map() | struct()) :: response()

Upserts a single document using struct or map.

Note: when using maps as documents, you should pass a key named "collection_name".

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upsert_multiple_documents(conn \\, map)

View Source (since 0.3.0)
@spec upsert_multiple_documents(ExTypesense.Connection.t(), map()) :: response()

Upserts multiple documents via maps. Same with update_multiple_documents/1 with some difference: creates one if not existed, otherwise updates it.

Note: when using maps as documents, you should pass a key named collection_name and with the lists of documents named documents (example shown below). When id is added, it will update, otherwise creates a new document. for each documents.


iex> schema = %{
...>   name: "posts",
...>   fields: [
...>     %{name: "title", type: "string"}
...>   ],
...> }
iex> ExTypesense.create_collection(schema)
iex> posts = %{
...>   collection_name: "posts",
...>   documents: [
...>     %{id: "0", title: "the quick"},
...>     %{id: "1", title: "jumps over"}
...>   ]
...> }
iex> ExTypesense.upsert_multiple_documents(posts)
{:ok, [%{"success" => true}, %{"success" => true}]}