View Source ExUnit.Filters (ExUnit v1.12.0)

Conveniences for parsing and evaluating filters.

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Evaluates the include and exclude filters against the given tags to determine if tests should be skipped or excluded.

Returns a tuple containing useful information about test failures from the manifest. The tuple contains

Normalizes include and exclude filters to remove duplicates and keep precedence.

Parses the given filters, as one would receive from the command line.

Parses filters out of a path.

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eval(include, exclude, tags, collection)

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@spec eval(t(), t(), map(), [ExUnit.Test.t()]) ::
  :ok | {:excluded, String.t()} | {:skipped, String.t()}

Evaluates the include and exclude filters against the given tags to determine if tests should be skipped or excluded.

Some filters, like :line, may require the whole test collection to find the closest line, that's why it must also be passed as an argument.

Filters can either be a regular expression or any data structure that implements the String.Chars protocol, which is invoked before comparing the filter with the :tag value.


Tests are first excluded, then included, and then skipped (if any left).

If a :skip tag is found in tags, {:skipped, message} is returned if the test has been left after the exclude and include filters. Otherwise {:exclude, message} is returned.

The only exception to this rule is that :skip is found in the include filter, :ok is returned regardless of whether the test was excluded or not.


iex> ExUnit.Filters.eval([foo: "bar"], [:foo], %{foo: "bar"}, [])

iex> ExUnit.Filters.eval([foo: "bar"], [:foo], %{foo: "baz"}, [])
{:excluded, "due to foo filter"}
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@spec failure_info(Path.t()) :: {MapSet.t(Path.t()), MapSet.t(ExUnit.test_id())}

Returns a tuple containing useful information about test failures from the manifest. The tuple contains:

  • A set of files that contain tests that failed the last time they ran. The paths are absolute paths.
  • A set of test IDs that failed the last time they ran
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normalize(include, exclude)

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@spec normalize(t() | nil, t() | nil) :: {t(), t()}

Normalizes include and exclude filters to remove duplicates and keep precedence.


iex> ExUnit.Filters.normalize(nil, nil)
{[], []}

iex> ExUnit.Filters.normalize([:foo, :bar, :bar], [:foo, :baz])
{[:foo, :bar], [:baz]}

iex> ExUnit.Filters.normalize([foo: "true"], [:foo])
{[foo: "true"], [:foo]}

iex> ExUnit.Filters.normalize([:foo], [foo: "true"])
{[:foo], []}

iex> ExUnit.Filters.normalize([foo: "true"], [foo: true])
{[foo: "true"], []}

iex> ExUnit.Filters.normalize([foo: true], [foo: "true"])
{[foo: true], []}

iex> ExUnit.Filters.normalize([foo: 1, foo: 1, foo: 2], [])
{[foo: 1, foo: 2], []}

iex> ExUnit.Filters.normalize([], [foo: 1, foo: 1, foo: 2])
{[], [foo: 1, foo: 2]}
@spec parse([String.t()]) :: t()

Parses the given filters, as one would receive from the command line.


iex> ExUnit.Filters.parse(["foo:bar", "baz", "line:9", "bool:true"])
[{:foo, "bar"}, :baz, {:line, "9"}, {:bool, "true"}]
@spec parse_path(String.t()) :: {String.t(), Keyword.t()}

Parses filters out of a path.

Determines whether a given file path (supplied to ExUnit/Mix as arguments on the command line) includes a line number filter, and if so returns the appropriate ExUnit configuration options.