ExVatcheck.VIESClient (ExVatcheck v0.3.1) View Source

The ExVatcheck.Vies module provides a client for the VIES VAT identification number service.

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Queries the VIES service to determine whether or not the provided VAT identification number is valid.

Returns a new VIES client struct which can be used to make requests in check_vat/3. If the VIES service times out, or if invalid WSDL is returned and the checkVat service URL cannot be parsed, an error is returned.

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t() :: %ExVatcheck.VIESClient{url: binary()}

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check_vat(client, country_code, vat_number)

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check_vat(t(), binary(), binary()) ::
  {:ok, map()} | {:error, binary()} | {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t()}

Queries the VIES service to determine whether or not the provided VAT identification number is valid.

Returns {:ok, response} in the case of a successful call to the service, and {:error, error} in the case that the service could not be reached or the XML response could not be parsed.


new() :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, any()}

Returns a new VIES client struct which can be used to make requests in check_vat/3. If the VIES service times out, or if invalid WSDL is returned and the checkVat service URL cannot be parsed, an error is returned.