View Source ExWebRTC.Media.IVF.Reader (ex_webrtc v0.4.1)

Reads video frames from an IVF file.

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Closes an IVF reader.

Reads the next video frame from an IVF file.

Opens an IVF file and reads its header.



@spec close(t()) :: :ok | {:error, term()}

Closes an IVF reader.

When a process owning the IVF reader exits, IVF reader is closed automatically.

@spec next_frame(t()) :: {:ok, ExWebRTC.Media.IVF.Frame.t()} | {:error, term()} | :eof

Reads the next video frame from an IVF file.

@spec open(Path.t()) :: {:ok, ExWebRTC.Media.IVF.Header.t(), t()} | {:error, term()}

Opens an IVF file and reads its header.