View Source ExampleTest.Sigil (ExampleTest v0.0.1)

Provides a sigil to wrap parsing of the example test tables.

The example_test macro automatically parses Markdown-style example tables into a list of maps for use in the test contexts, so this sigil is never required to be used. However, it may occasionally be useful to do things like declare a module attribute which is the pre-parsed example table, or to inspect how the table will be parsed.

Note that on Elixir v1.14 and earlier, the sigil is ~X since those versions don't support multi-character sigils.



Provides a sigil for producing example data that you can use in tests.


Link to this function

sigil_EXAMPLES(table, opts \\ [])

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@spec sigil_EXAMPLES(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: [map()]

Provides a sigil for producing example data that you can use in tests.


You can have an arbitrary number of columns and rows. Headers are parsed as atoms, while the individual cells are parsed as Elixir values.

iex> ~EXAMPLES"""
...>   | plan      | user_permission | can_invite?     |
...>   | :free     | :admin          | true            |
...>   | :free     | :editor         | "maybe"         |
...>   | :free     | :view_only      | false           |
...>   | :standard | :admin          | true            |
...>   | :standard | :editor         | "tuesdays only" |
...>   | :standard | :view_only      | false           |
...> """
  %{plan: :free, user_permission: :admin, can_invite?: true},
  %{plan: :free, user_permission: :editor, can_invite?: "maybe"},
  %{plan: :free, user_permission: :view_only, can_invite?: false},
  %{plan: :standard, user_permission: :admin, can_invite?: true},
  %{plan: :standard, user_permission: :editor, can_invite?: "tuesdays only"},
  %{plan: :standard, user_permission: :view_only, can_invite?: false}

You can optionally include separators between the headers and the data.

iex> ~EXAMPLES"""
...>   | plan      | user_permission | can_invite?     |
...>   |-----------|-----------------|-----------------|
...>   | :free     | :admin          | true            |
...>   | :free     | :editor         | "maybe"         |
...> """
  %{plan: :free, user_permission: :admin, can_invite?: true},
  %{plan: :free, user_permission: :editor, can_invite?: "maybe"}

You can pass the output of ~EXAMPLES directly to the example_test macro:

example_test "distinguishes even and odd numbers",
              | even  | odd |
              | 2     | 1   |
              | 4     | 3   |
              | 6     | 5   |
              %{even: even, odd: odd} do
  assert rem(even, 2) == 0
  assert rem(odd, 2) == 1