Exampple.Template.Interpolation (exampple v0.10.6)

Interpolation let us interchange a variable inside of a string. The problem with the Elixir interpolation is it's made in compilation time which isn't useful when we need to perform the same action in runtime.

This module helps perform interpolations. It's based on Gettext.Interpolation.Default.

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Interpolate a string adding the binding variables into the correct places.

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interpolate(string, bindings)

Interpolate a string adding the binding variables into the correct places.


iex> Exampple.Template.Interpolation.interpolate("hello world!", [])
"hello world!"

iex> Exampple.Template.Interpolation.interpolate("hello %{name}!", name: "world")
"hello world!"

iex> Exampple.Template.Interpolation.interpolate("hello %{none}!", [])
"hello !"